Recent content by antiface

  1. antiface

    The Best Pink Floyd Album

    Can't do it. It's like choosing which of your children is your favorite. Though, if a gun were to be held at my skull and an answer demanded, I suppose I'd have to go with WYWH.
  2. antiface

    The pearls of wisdom thread?

    "Go that way, really fast. And, if something gets in your way....turn."
  3. antiface

    Ask a Stupid Question, Get a Stupid Answer.

    ^^what else are you going to eat boring ass crackers with? Would you like to hail the new flesh?
  4. antiface

    The "Would You?" Thread.

    If that band is "The Donnas", then yes. Would you listen to New Kids on the Block for 2 hours straight to get tickets to an awesome metal show?
  5. antiface


    I see wot u did thar.
  6. antiface

    Describe the person above you.

    ^Forgot to gas up the chainsaw.
  7. antiface

    One of the true greats fell today.

    Oh, no, he's no ogre. He was just a deplorable human being.
  8. antiface

    The 2012 Enigma

    And my new Messiah's name is.....Jeff :worship: /irony
  9. antiface

    A Vs. B

    Gummy bears. The originals. Plus, they aren't as sickeningly sweet. Paper v Plastic.
  10. antiface

    One of the true greats fell today.

  11. antiface

    Whoppers (the candy) are disgusting

    Ritter Sport and Toblerone. Everything else is just fail in a wrapper. Edit: And Kinder Eggs. They rule as well.
  12. antiface

    A Vs. B you mean Corpsegrinder? Well, that's just not fair. Fisher edges out Barnes for influence and evil.
  13. antiface

    How to be an online metal head

  14. antiface

    post your sexy pics here

    My Funyuns would be less....funyun-y.
  15. antiface

    Enthusiastic Metallica new album previews

    Britney Spears had considered covering "Trapped Under Ice" on her next album...