Recent content by Axonic Rot

  1. Axonic Rot

    Need to buy new CONVERTER/INTERFACE - need advise

    The RME babyface pro is so awesome I don't have enough good adjectives for it. Great conversion. Insane fidelity and transient response. Full scale voltage on the outputs. Unreal low latency performance.
  2. Axonic Rot

    RME Babyface vs cheaper interfaces for DI guitars

    I logged in to ask this same question. I record the speaker out of my 6505+ with a countryman type 10 and a 22vsl. I can't help but wonder what kind of improvement if any I would get from a RME babyface pro or any other RME interface. I have seen only two comparisons and they were both tones...
  3. Axonic Rot

    96k for guitar and CPU clock vs wordclock. Tons of questions.

    I would never take on drums in 96k unless I had more of a budget. Like at least 16GB of RAM and an 8 core processor. And then it would still have to be a basic amount of channels. One of the first things I did was render out to 44.1 to see if the advantage of capturing at 96k was still...
  4. Axonic Rot

    Best sounding out-of-the-box drums

    I would have to say EZX Metal! is the best. When you load it the default preset is actually mix ready. Nothing else I have ever used including Metal Machine has achieved that. Metal Machine is also good, but the Metal! samples are better in my opinion and the default preset is completely ready...
  5. Axonic Rot

    96k for guitar and CPU clock vs wordclock. Tons of questions.

    I've read on here that it's fine to record at 44.1k because it's going to be rendered down to that anyway. With some A B testing I've found that 96khz absolutely sounds far better than 44.1k for guitars using my hardware. I recorded tests and exported out to 44.1 .wavs and listened back...
  6. Axonic Rot

    Post your best disto bass tone 2015

    Yep. Passive Nordstrand big split for the high gain tone and EMG 45 DC for the low end. They're each doing what they're best at. Since one is active and the other is passive they can feed two separate amps without any hum. In that track it's all plugins though, I didn't have a reamp box. I...
  7. Axonic Rot

    Post your best disto bass tone 2015

    Prepare for something different. The fuck if I could get it to embed.
  8. Axonic Rot

    New Oceano

    -good guitar tone -loud as shit mastering that goes way overboard turning the kick drum into someone stomping a mud puddle -bass guitar where? -no low frequencies
  9. Axonic Rot

    Discussion: Not using a tubescreamer

    I just looked that up. That thing looks awesome. I've had that exact idea before. I would never buy that though, the obsessive knob turning that would ensue wouldn't let me get anything done. That's just me though, other people might have more self control.
  10. Axonic Rot

    Discussion: Not using a tubescreamer

    I would like to hear from you guys who have a lot experience, do you ever prefer to skip the green box? For me there's no doubt the TS makes it sound better for palm muting and just straight up makes it sound better most of the time for metal. I'm getting a feeling like the texture of...
  11. Axonic Rot

    obZen Remastered

    It's crazy how loud and razor thin that album is. Meshuggah are getting worse and worse recordings. The Nothing reissue was pretty decent and Catch 33 was alright, then they started going backwards for some reason. On Koloss they used a VST for guitars and it sounds really scratchy and...
  12. Axonic Rot

    Pickups you like?

    For low tunings the Lundgren M is a holy grail. It's exactly what I consider perfect. EMG 81s sound pretty good as well, but with some tunings and string gauges I don't dig it as much. Under just the right conditions it's awesome. I think the vast majority of pickups are pretty much garbage...
  13. Axonic Rot

    New Structures

    It feels like someone is screaming in my ear and there's music playing in the background. Bad mix. :(
  14. Axonic Rot

    Your favourite consumer headphones

    The M100s are the cicumaurals and the M80 is the on ear model. I have both. The M80 is really good, it's critically acclaimed, but it doesn't blow me away like the M100.
  15. Axonic Rot

    Tightest live band?

    Metal: Meshuggah, Opeth, Gojira, Behemoth and Necrohpagist. Other: Little Dragon, Toro Y Moi, Die Antwoord