obZen Remastered

I'm sure ermin possibly did more than just EQ, but I match EQ'd his to the original to get this difference


That eq curve looks like the original issues were fixed for good.

And on the audio there's some actual low end and low mids. Glad the 2khz to 4khz reagon is dialed back, the old one sounded simply hollow and harsh with no low mids and a overly present, harsh clusterfuck of upper mids in the guitars and cymbals. Having said that I think the very top of 4-5khz region has gutted the snare a bit too much. And wtf is that spike on band 8.
Also on the original Lethargica, its like the bass has 2 distortion bands, what the hell. Both have that super clanky-ness around 1 to 2khz that ties well with the guitars, but on the original there's another bass spike fizzing away above the whole mix and its really annoying.
Sounds good, although YT's audio at 480p is pretty shit. If you render out the video with at least a 720p image you'll get much higher quality audio.
Didn't originally intend to do this, as touching up this classic record could be seen as blasphemy, but curiosity got the better of me. Will probably keep it for my own listening collection.

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Striking difference. I never noticed how a better mix would make Meshuggah easier to get into. It's simply more engaging.
I got into Meshuggah just as Chaosphere came out, so the record is very near and dear. I recall finding it very grating to listen to at the time (I didn't really know why) and could only do it in small bursts until conditioning myself. Doing a subtle remaster actually alleviated some of that strain, without actively removing too much aggression from the guitars. It's an amazingly mixed album though. The tones are phenomenal.
It's crazy how loud and razor thin that album is.

Meshuggah are getting worse and worse recordings. The Nothing reissue was pretty decent and Catch 33 was alright, then they started going backwards for some reason.

On Koloss they used a VST for guitars and it sounds really scratchy and lo-fi. They need to realize that their recordings are important and work with someone skilled.
I always thought Meshuggah would be better with real amps and real drums. Dunno if ObZen was recorded with amp sims and e-drums, but some of their albums were.
Hey all,

Just letting you know I've re-uploaded my Obzen remaster in HD. The audio has been compressed much less now. So take a listen, and hopefully enjoy!
