Recent content by BlackViking666

  1. BlackViking666

    anyone watching Blade the series?

    They could not get a better blade than sticky fingaz... SLAM da dunnit da dunnit let the boys be boys:)
  2. BlackViking666

    Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin dies at age 44

    Man it sucks that he died but really what do you expect when what you do for a living is provoke wild dangerous animals?
  3. BlackViking666

    dumbest thing you ever did

  4. BlackViking666

    Dream band...

    Vocal/Rhtym Guitar:Nergal (Behemoth) Lead Guitar: Chuck Schuldiner R.I.P (Death... this is my GOD) Drums:Inferno (Behemoth) Bass:Rex (Pantera) Keyboards:Janne Warmen (Children of Bodom) This is would be an awesome band.
  5. BlackViking666

    Harry Potter: Horsefucker

    thats sick
  6. BlackViking666

    dumbest thing you ever did

    Had sex in a open parking lot... it was fun and dumb mind you it was late and i was drunk i spent a night in jail
  7. BlackViking666

    College shooting in Canada

    People will use any excuse to cover there own asses its just sad.
  8. BlackViking666

    Shopping Cart Hits a Guy at 75MPH

    What a dumbass lol
  9. BlackViking666

    Drinks besides soda?

    Milkshakes Mango Juice Beer Whiskey
  10. BlackViking666

    Favorite beer?

    Coronas with lime juice and salt
  11. BlackViking666

    How old were you

  12. BlackViking666

    End of the World

    I basically live like everydays the end of the world so if it ends and when it does i wont regret anything.
  13. BlackViking666

    Stupidest use of censorship ever!

    Brandnames and trade marks by far are the dumbest i know why its done but its kinda sucks when your watching a video but you can't really enjoy it because theres some big blur on someones shirt or guitar.
  14. BlackViking666

    Bands you listened to before you listened to metal

    Isnt it funny how many people diss Nu-metal and Rap but Nu-metal is what got them to listen to metal in the first place.