Recent content by buzzgate

  1. buzzgate

    is anyone programming drums with this

    I've got the MPK Mini which is that thing and the LPK25 (keyboard) together in one unit. The response of the pads is pretty spotty and you gotta hit it hard sometimes or on the edge. If you want to go this route, you should look at something in a little higher price range.
  2. buzzgate

    comparison...ProSteel vs. Nickel plated steel

    I've got a set of 50-135 Pro Steels I had wanted to try sitting around waiting for the Ernie Ball on my bass to lose their life... might have to change them earlier than expected.
  3. buzzgate

    Help me id this stupid fucking cable. ?
  4. buzzgate

    I need help with reading eq's Something along the lines of that might give you a better understanding of where start messing around
  5. buzzgate

    dead pixels??!

    Enough pressure that it would make that funky amoeba shaped color splotch. I wouldn't bother trying anything else though since you can return it.
  6. buzzgate

    Ozzy's voice/Metallica Kill em All... how to do it?
  7. buzzgate

    dead pixels??!

    Sounds more like a stuck pixel (dead pixels are just black). With the laptop off, take a slightly damp rag and with pressure, rub in a small circular motion while turning on the computer. It should "unstick" the pixel. I've tried a few of those video noise programs, they didn't work for me...
  8. buzzgate

    Post the last film you watched and rate it out of 10!

    Due Date - 3/10 Only a few cheap laughs. Haven't been that disappointed in a movie in a long time.
  9. buzzgate

    Yamaha RBX 375

    What are you playing it into? Get some new strings and see the difference. The bass on that is an RBX375
  10. buzzgate

    what is your tuning & strings gauge ?

    My guitars tuned to E: 9-42 one tuned to D: 10-46 one tuned to B: 13-56 (with a wound 3rd string) All Dean Markley sets
  11. buzzgate

    XLN Audio Addictive Drums "Metal" ADpak

    One of the guys from AD said "within a few weeks" in a thread about it on gearslutz
  12. buzzgate

    Copyright Infringement. Also selling FeardSE music

    looks like the reverbnation page has been removed now as well
  13. buzzgate


    I was just trolling about the new guitar. Do you use the floyd much? Just block it if you don't. My first guitar was also a Jackson that I got probably 11 years ago (a cruddy low end reverse dinky with a single locking floyd) and I went from 10-46 to 13-65 on it, blocked the bridge, and it...
  14. buzzgate


    I think the only sound advice is that he needs a completely new guitar. This one is obviously broken.