Copyright Infringement. Also selling FeardSE music

You really have to be some sort of low life piece of shit to even think up the idea of taking someone else's music and claiming it as your own. I mean... what an absolute fucktard idea. How the fuck did that end up in the memetic pool??

I completely went crazy when I heard some lowlife son of a bitch took one of our songs and claimed it's written by him (I don't even know the guy in person) but this is completely insane!
Nail them to a tree by the balls.

This did scare me a bit though, makes me wonder if my own music is protected. Any easy way to secure your property rights?
This is the problem with the internet, people feel as though because things are easy to obtain through the internet for free, be it music, films or software people feel as though they are at liberty to abuse it. This mentality means that things aren't given a value when they are available on the internet, because people can just torrent music (or rip music off a video in this case lol) for free instead of paying for it. Also it creates a animosity amongst people and they think they can get away with it because it has no worth in real terms, since it is free virtually.
It's not a problem with the internet, it's a problem with stupid fucking humans.

+10 billion.

I could easily download a bunch of software illegally, you're right. I'd love to have all the expensive plugins or other software some guys here have.

But, I don't just download it because... guess what? I know that it's fucking WRONG.

It's up to the individual.
This is the reason why I recently deleted all my cracked software including audio plugins and went for free plugins and free software. I'm now buying all the other stuff I need. On mac there are alternatives for pretty much every software including photoshop which I didn't know before. It just doesn't do anything good using cracked software. I think it's pretty much the same as stealing someone elses song, well it's stealing in another way... I hope this post appeals to others to do the same.
Likewise I could easily run into a shop and steal shit, stab a retarded crack-baby in the face with my penis, and eat tomatoes.

Everyone has a choice to make.
Bullshit man, sorry to hear. I remember years ago, this shit happened to bulb and Periphery with some bands on Myspace, before they even had a singer. It was hilarious to watch their pages get littered with hundreds of posts from people who knew what the fuck was up.

This also happened to some friends of mine who were in a huge unsigned band here in Chicago about 10 years ago, where he found some guys out on the west coast who re-recorded (but stole note-for-note, and word-for-word) one of my buddies' songs. Apparently they figured because the band had broken up years ago, and they lived across the country, that nobody would ever figure it out. Turns out, a mutual friend moved out that way a few years ago and got involved with the local band scene out that way, heard the song from another local band and thought "damn, this sounds familiar", lol. He got a hold of the band, showed them a 10 year old recording of the same song that they'd been playing for about a year now. They immediately kicked out the guy who told them he "wrote the song" and from what I understand, he's basically been blackballed by everyone who knows anyone in the scene out there.

Hopefully these guys get what's coming to them and maybe the same treatment that the guy in the story above did too.
What a douche. From now on man, don't release music without vocals.

Had some band from the states who had the same name as my old band (Empyrean), get our facebook deleted for infringement of copyright. I'm quite cluey when it comes to this, disputed it and got told to talk directly to them. Guy basically told me that they went to a lot of trouble in trademarking their name and they didn't want any competition. His words were "it's just business".
After a look, they had half the number of plays/views on myspace and facebook and had NO releases... whilst we were signed to an Aussie label and had an album out for nearly 2 years. His response to that? "you'll live".

So I took down their page for impeding business :) mind you, I did get a call from a lawyer a little while ago...

People are just shit.
What a douche. From now on man, don't release music without vocals.

Had some band from the states who had the same name as my old band (Empyrean), get our facebook deleted for infringement of copyright. I'm quite cluey when it comes to this, disputed it and got told to talk directly to them. Guy basically told me that they went to a lot of trouble in trademarking their name and they didn't want any competition. His words were "it's just business".
After a look, they had half the number of plays/views on myspace and facebook and had NO releases... whilst we were signed to an Aussie label and had an album out for nearly 2 years. His response to that? "you'll live".

So I took down their page for impeding business :) mind you, I did get a call from a lawyer a little while ago...

People are just shit.

Lol that's funny, the same shit almost happened with my friends in Janus, apparently there's some band from Russia (I think) with the same name and they were getting all huffy-puffy about it. Although I'm pretty sure the guys I know have had that name since like 2004, lol, they've been around Chicago for a while, finally started getting real momentum in 2009.
Didn't this happen to Misha (Bulb) recently as well? This is a major bummer, really sorry this happened to you, Ola. I know what it feels like having your work pirated (and sold for profit) unfortunately, too.