Copyright Infringement. Also selling FeardSE music

Fuck sake, Paranormal is just a direct rip of Chlorine.

Think I recognise Ola's one as well. Cheeky fucks didnt even bother to re-record, it's just a straight up rip, unbelievable. Whats this shit about a "message" as well, this another bunch of lecherous Christians that can't comprehend "thou shalt not steal" or something?
This is horrible. Yet I do have to say that in our time and age, this was something waiting to happen unfortunately. The internet perfectly facilitates plagiarism, due to the (perceived) anonymity and people having no respect whatsoever for intellectual property.

I hope they get anal raped by rhinos.
First make screenshots, and record audio samples of all the songs as evidence. There are applications where you can record audio directly from the web. Then inform yourself about what options you have. Taking legal action could like take forever and might even produce you some costs. Anyway try contacting some layers and ask them what you could do in your situation. Also you could try writing reverbnation and audiolife and tell them about the copyright infrigement. Just be sure to make copies of the evidence first before you do anything!
I sent messages to both facebook and reverbnation and that little joshua williams fuck.

I asked for sales figures from reverbnation. Hopefully nothing was sold. But if it was then i wan't every fecking penny from them.
Whoa what a cunt move , If someone did this to me legal repercussions would be the least of their problems .