Copyright Infringement. Also selling FeardSE music

That really sucks that you have to deal with this crap guys. But on the bright side if people want to pretend they are you it's because your songs are great.
What a douche. From now on man, don't release music without vocals.

Had some band from the states who had the same name as my old band (Empyrean), get our facebook deleted for infringement of copyright. I'm quite cluey when it comes to this, disputed it and got told to talk directly to them. Guy basically told me that they went to a lot of trouble in trademarking their name and they didn't want any competition. His words were "it's just business".
After a look, they had half the number of plays/views on myspace and facebook and had NO releases... whilst we were signed to an Aussie label and had an album out for nearly 2 years. His response to that? "you'll live".

So I took down their page for impeding business :) mind you, I did get a call from a lawyer a little while ago...

People are just shit.

.....I know those guys, like "have drank with them at random shows" know them. What a small world.
It's not a problem with the internet, it's a problem with stupid fucking humans.

But the internet makes it easy for them, I bet that they wouldn't have bothered trying this stupid shit if they couldn't just rip the audio off Ola's video and then have some mp3's to claim as their own!
Man this pisses me off. I couldn't imagine getting any satisfaction from doing something like this. Write/record your own songs with software that you paid for. Is it that hard?
Didn't this happen to Misha (Bulb) recently as well? This is a major bummer, really sorry this happened to you, Ola. I know what it feels like having your work pirated (and sold for profit) unfortunately, too.

Yeah some guy wrote lyrics over some of his instrumental songs and tried to sell them as an EP, like these guys he got bombarded with hate mail. I don't know whats more pathetic the fact they stole the music and tried to pass it off as their own -or- that they signed up for battle of the band competitions thinking they were a real band that wrote songs.
There should be a register over band/people who've been stealing music, a public blacklist for everyone to see :P
At least a group of people who can help out when this shit happen, not always easy to know your rights when/if it happens.. (I think there's something called lawyers, but it's not cheap:P) hehe
A bit optimistic lately are we? I can totally imagine 4/5 retarded, internet-spoiled kids thinking it's a cool idea


Were living in the age of the talentless finding a home on the internet - a.k.a. "bands" like Brokencyde and Hollywood Undead prove it daily, and yes, "bands" is in quotes for a reason.

As always individual mileage may vary (but in this case it really shouldn't).
This is why, whenever I write lyrics and/or music I upload to It's not as good as a real copyright, but it has two advantages
- You can timestamp your work right away
- It's free
Glad this got nipped in the bud before it got out of control.

Apparently, the little shits don't have any talent or class, so suing them probably won't do much good, because logic would suggest they don't have any money, either!

I just can't understand how these guys thought nobody would notice.... Ola's videos are fucking amazing & quite popular....
At the end of the day, even if a band totally steals your shit and it goes completely unnoticed, and then they DO get some kind of deal or contract and get more exposure, then it's almost DEFINITELY bound to get back to the originator. The only thing that would be more funny than flattening a relatively unknown band with proof that they stole your material, would be flattening a WELL KNOWN band with the same information, lol.
Got a message from one of the guitarists on Facebook tonight:

"How many amps do you own?!?
(Screen capping and distributing is credited as Defamation of a Character) < Had to add that, but I doubt you'd go as low as me, or any of the other people who attacked the now deleted page. "

Yup, can anyone translate that to English? haha, what the hell does he mean? Is he saying that you (Ola) infringed any laws by exposing them, how is that possible?

Ola, summon Thor and have them fried by thunder.