dead pixels??!


Nov 22, 2007
Poconos, PA
Just noticed a tiny blue dot on my brand new laptop screen. Only noticeable over dark backgrounds, but a bit annoying. Any advice? Google tells me they have programs that can fix it but I'm unsure of this and I just got this comp yesterday....
Sounds more like a stuck pixel (dead pixels are just black). With the laptop off, take a slightly damp rag and with pressure, rub in a small circular motion while turning on the computer. It should "unstick" the pixel. I've tried a few of those video noise programs, they didn't work for me.

Worse comes to worst, just return it.
Yeah, just tried luck. How much pressure? It's like.....such a minute thing but it's going to bug the piss out of me, I know it....
Yeah, just tried luck. How much pressure? It's like.....such a minute thing but it's going to bug the piss out of me, I know it....

Enough pressure that it would make that funky amoeba shaped color splotch.

I wouldn't bother trying anything else though since you can return it.
ive got a red one on my laptop. was there from the first moment i booted it up. i took it back and they said it need to be 5+ pixels for warantee to cover it. and they called it a dead pixel. the store person who i was talking to called his mate over to gawk at it cos he'd never seen a dead pixel. its since developed a white hotspot as well. none of the pixel unstuckings method ive found on the net have worked... the best the guy in the store could come up with was i could buy a new LCD and on top of pay to have it installed and theres no garuntee that would be death free either.... fukn $1200 piece of crap.

i got over the red pixel. and usually forget about the hotspot. but it still pisses me off that they can just tell you shove it cos u dont have enough defects. 1 should be enough.
If it makes any of you feel any better, when I got my first MacBook it had one dead pixel in the very top right hand corner of the screen. I took it to apple and they just gave me a new laptop then and there, because of one pixel!

The shop you got it from might be as customer friendly and just replace the laptop, it's worth a try if nothing else :)
I'm afraid to return it and receive another one with defects. This bitch came all the way from China. My guess is it will have to go back there. My father told me he is looking for a new computer soon. I may look into something else and give him this one, he actually offered. Also, I made a thread in Equipment section about how stupid I am and bought a computer without Firewire I can't use my Profire 2626 with this. Might as well do the right thing.

Can't help but to remember that phrase.

But seriously you should check if the manufacturer has a dead pixel warranty and how long the warranty is. I remember seeing a chart where there were some TV:s listed about the dead pixel warranties. Some offered zero tolerance warranty for a couple of years, some more some les. And some didn't offer any warranties o dead pixels after the usual warranty. But if there's still warranty left you should send it back.

Or send it back and give the new fully functional laptop to your dad. No point in keeping a dead pixel in the device when you can get if fixed for free.
Sounds more like a stuck pixel (dead pixels are just black). With the laptop off, take a slightly damp rag and with pressure, rub in a small circular motion while turning on the computer. It should "unstick" the pixel. I've tried a few of those video noise programs, they didn't work for me.

Worse comes to worst, just return it.

Haha, I got my new computer months ago and noticed a green pixel on the monitor, assumed it was a dead pixel and although slightly annoying I just ignored it. Wouldn't notice it but every now and then it would catch my eye and I would get annoyed that I didn't return it when it was new. And now you've just fixed it for me. You will be payed in sexual favours one day :worship: