Pro Tools M-Powered 7.4 Not Working


Apr 18, 2008
Hey guys, I hope this is the right place for this. I recently got Pro Tools M-Powered 7.4 so it will run on my laptop. What I have is a really bad HP Pavilion WideScreen Entertainment Notebook with a Intel Core 2 Duo CPU T5250 @ 1.50GHz and only 1014MB RAM. I'm also running Windows Vista 32 bit. For storage, I have a WD 500 Gig external USB 2.0 harddrive.

But I installed the Pro Tools and it all installed correctly. And when I click to open it, my entire screen turns blue and I get a MS DOS looking error message that makes my entire PC restart. I don't have any viruses, cause I have like 12 firewalls and I run virus scans daily with some good programs but I really have no idea what's going on. My PC Runs other DAW fine, I have FL Studios 8 XXL and Adobe Audition 1.5 (which I know is nothing compared to PT but) yeah. Anybody had this happen or know about it? Digidesign won't get back to me regarding this problem.