M-audio Profire issues(Blue screen)


Jun 17, 2008
Okay well I got my profire 2626 last week and its been all good except the part where my computer just restarts all of a sudden! Wtf!! I read and many of you explained that this error "Blue screen error" happens often, but is there a way around it?

Lately its been happening often.. atleast once a day, and im just dreading the day where im having a session and then it restarts loosing all my tracks:yell:
BTW heres the error screen shot of what the computer tells me after restarting.

Im running Windows XP SP3
-Intel quad
-4gb Ram
-Cubase 5

Does this error happen in WIndows 7 64 bit? Im planning on moving to 7 after getting my free copy from school, so any input reply. Thanks
I've had mine for a while and never had this problem , get a PCIe firewire with a TI chipset, that fixed my crackle and i havent had any problems since :)

edit: maybe its because you are on XP but im on vista SP2
its no biggy mine used to do it on the 8th time of turning it on, sooner or later you'll know when its gonna blue screen, and you don't loose any info
My bad about not putting it up on "equipment" (I though I was on the Equipment section when i clicked on new thread)

Anyways... I have a TI chipset firewire card. Its kinda old, but with my firepod I never had any issues.
I used to have occasional problems with my computer not recognizing my Onyx 400F when I'd turn it on (usually restarting would help, though sometimes I'd have to reinstall the drivers), but since I stopped turning it off (better for it anyway, I think), it's been fine - I mention this only cuz Ryan said he'd have issues with his Profire when turning it on, so if that's when it happens to you probably better to leave it always on! (and as I mentioned, it's better for it, cuz it doesn't have to endure the voltage spike every time you power it on)
Well I have no issues when i turn it on, the computer recognizes the profire and its good to go. The problem is that like lets say im mixing... I have my session open and then when I close the session and I click "save" my computer just restarts(doesnt happens everytime i close session, but every now and then)... other times i can just simply be on the internet and it will restart by itself. Then when it restarts i get that message i posted, that blue screen error is caused by a devise.
FYI, this problem is not fixable. No one knows the cause. I've had the problem ever since I got my Profire 2626 (began happening more than once a day), so I simply gave up on it and use my Focusrite Liquid Saffire 56 instead.

There's a huge thread on this BSOD issue on the M-Audio forum, and M-Audio is "unable to replicate" the issue, therefore, doesn't know how to fix it. I have TI firewire chipset too, and Windows XP SP3. I'm pretty sure it happens even on Windows 7, but you'd have to check the M-Audio thread.
I was going to ask him about his power supply if it was just random rebooting. Always gotta ask questions, that's what momma say.

Uninterestlingly enough, I just got a profire 610 after having a FT Ultra that had issues with XP SP3, totally smooth sailing so far. Hope it stays that way.
I suggest you go in the control panel, under System, and uncheck the automatic restart of your computer in case of major crashing. Maybe you'll be able to get more info about what's causing it if you get the actual error message instead of your cpu restarting.
i get once a day or so. doesn't annoy me too much, i save too often and my computer restarts fast.
When I was running Vista (32 bit) I never had issues with my Profire like this. I'm on WIndows 7 64 bit now and it's just as (if not more) solid than Vista was

Dumb questions, but, M Audio says the device is not hot pluggable, so your computer should be turned off when you connect and/or turn on your Profire. Do you do this? Also, you should shut down your computer before you unplug the Profire from the machine (or eject the card if your on a lappy). Do you do this, too?

Are your drivers up to date?