Recent content by Candelabrum

  1. C

    Most Inappropriate Time To Listen To Opeth...

    while riding on a merry-go-round
  2. C

    loss of faith?

    Perhaps someone needs a new dictionary and a broader perspective of what God could be. from Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary: 2)faith: believe, trust I looked up the word before I posted my former message.
  3. C

    loss of faith?

    Faith isn't just believing in a religious icon of omnipotence. I have faith that the sun will rise, then set, then rise again; and in between these diurnal rituals the moon will wax and wane; streams will push themselves into the sky effortlessly; and I have faith that this is how it is, and...
  4. C

    What is Justice?

    that sounds more like revenge to me Juggie. I think justice is considered to be what's in the best interest for the whole community, as opposed to an individual. However, I thought the whole question, in its vague presentation, was rather cliche.
  5. C

    What is Justice?

    Are you saying religion was invented because no living being is true in all its decisions? If a decision could be untrue, then to whom is it a lie? Surely not to the owner of that decision! Can a person, even if they call themselves a liar, be other than their own self? Impossible.
  6. C

    Thank You

    shopping = economy = livelihood = celebration = growth = evolution = people being able to get on the internet to complain about shopping? where do we go from here?
  7. C

    What other BB's do you post at?
  8. C

    This is pathetic....

    and I return the gesture, but I'm worried about you, dear Johan. first you say I'm after an image, now you think I'm getting offended? whatever. is it possible I'm laughing over here? very. however, I have been up all night and I need to go wash my beautiful long golden curly locks...
  9. C

    This is pathetic....

    First of all; it was only a damn joke to begin with. Secondly; I have no friggin' idea how you extrapolated from my post that I was interested in an image. Sixthly; I don't want anything from Opeth. Lastly; the image that came to mind when I stated a sense of speciality: It is nice that my...
  10. C

    This is pathetic....

    oh, dear Johan, are you a genie in a bottle? perhaps a muse incarnate? If so, I ask of you this: ( full throttle ) - please set me up on a date, with that lovely lady Charissa. Well, I'm waiting smartypants!
  11. C

    This is pathetic....

    ummm duh! thanks for the totally irrelevant advice. besides, if I were pursuing image, wouldn't I WANT opeth to be on mtv? sheesh.
  12. C

    This is pathetic....

    oh, what I meant to say was, well shit. if everyone knew about opeth, I wouldn't feel so damn special
  13. C

    This is pathetic....

  14. C

    Depth of Perception

    I hope I didn't come off as being offended by your post, Silhouette. I also don't consider myself a Christian. If I may; we all know the Christian church stole Pagan holidays and assimilated their deities. Also, the church attributed magik unto Christ. At that time however, some religions...