Recent content by CarolinaDeLeo

  1. CarolinaDeLeo

    for the HEART fans in the crowd

    very cool \m/
  2. CarolinaDeLeo

    Florida Metal Scene

    My husband and I recently opened up our own production company Negative Proof Productions in south florida, Boca Raton. We do studio recording, live shows (live recording) on a smaller scale, well for now until we can afford a bigger space. We really want to help the metal scene in florida and...
  3. CarolinaDeLeo

    Bands putting their own music on youtube

    Agreed! My husband has guitar students in high school, and sounds like the teenagers dont watch tv, its all about the internet and getting everything instantly, minus well take advantage of what available and the price is right.
  4. CarolinaDeLeo

    ProgPower USA XII: The Aftermath

    Had to go back to work on Monday, pretty sure my brain cells are still recovering because the past fews days are a fog
  5. CarolinaDeLeo

    Thank you Glenn, for bringing LABYRINTH

    My husband and I LOVED them, was definitely our favorite performance!
  6. CarolinaDeLeo

    Heavy Metal Conference... and e-book

    agreed.. sounds very interesting, def gonna give it a read!
  7. CarolinaDeLeo

    xi corset photo(s)? - GROUP PIX ADDED 1/15/11

    haha, well if it make you all happy!:tickled:
  8. CarolinaDeLeo

    xi corset photo(s)? - GROUP PIX ADDED 1/15/11

    Wish I was taller! (I'm the floating head-top right haha!)
  9. CarolinaDeLeo

    How many prog fans be in the orchestra/band/symphony/etc?

    Sounds like a great idea, I think there are people out there who would do it, but as you said, it is out of the comfort zone for a lot of people and some may just need a little push. I played percussion in symphonic band & orchestra in college, which was about 5 years ago. Me personally I know...
  10. CarolinaDeLeo

    Iron Maiden 2011 Tour

  11. CarolinaDeLeo

    Allen - lande?

    I totally got your back Camden! I have to admit, I didn't know who Jorn Lande was till a few months ago. Was recomended to buy Masterplan self tittled album and Jorn Lande's solo album Out to Every Nation, LOVED THEM!! Wished I knew about them sooner! Asking around and listening to is...
  12. CarolinaDeLeo

    PP USA XII: Kick-Off & Midweek Mayhem Announcement

    is it September yet?!?!?!
  13. CarolinaDeLeo

    PROMO Download for 'The Great Escape'

    WOW I can not wait!!
  14. CarolinaDeLeo

    Mainstream metal/hard rock may have the lowest hit-to-miss ratio for me, but...

    damn, I'm still getting the hang of going on forums, and totally forgot I posted on this one :blush: Glad you like Ra, I agree (once again) with Palabra de Dios with that From One is a good starter one. Agreed. They can be a bit out there, L' Via L' Viaquez from Frances the Mute has to be...