Recent content by Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

  1. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    Waves plugins?

    Since moving over to UAD plug-ins I don't use the Waves stuff much anymore. The SSL bundle and CLA comps are very good but that's about it for me.
  2. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    Making Toms to sound like Pantera?

    Unfortunately it's going to be very hard to achieve that sound with programmed drums. A lot of Vinnie Paul's sound comes from the way he plays. All the Pantera albums were recorded quite different from one another yet the drums on every album have that same certain characteristic to them. That...
  3. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    Having trouble with getting a gold bass tone

    A good bass tone will always be brighter and have more gain than you think. A lot of the attack and grit gets lost with the wall of guitars around it so you have to compensate. Sometimes it's a good idea to EQ the bass tone while you're listening to the whole mix as opposed to soloing it. When...
  4. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    Why would a band request to be there when mixing?

    I usually have the band come in towards the end of the day when the mix is near completed. There's a lot of time wasting if they're there from the beginning. The bands that are adamant on being there from start to end usually get bored very quickly and as the days go by end up turning up to the...
  5. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    Dat drum punch .......

    A good mix/master starts with the recording. It's vital to get good tracking performances along with using high quality instruments, microphones, pre's, compressors, EQ's, etc. A good song (and recording) almost mixes itself. A recording tracked in a bedroom with low quality gear and an...
  6. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    Beyer M201N(C) rules

    Best microphone for snare drum!
  7. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    legendary albums recorded only with a 6505

    + 1 on Burn My Eyes.
  8. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    PT: Moving sections without affecting automation etc

    Automation should move with it. Alternatively you could try Event>Time Operations>Insert Time. Also, you should always have one folder per session. It's never a good idea to have all your songs in one session.
  9. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    1176 fast attack issues

    I don't understand what you mean. What I'm trying to say is that I record and mix on an SSL E/G Series console all the time and the UAD emulation is the closest sounding plug-in I've heard to the real thing.
  10. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    1176 fast attack issues

    The UAD SSL emulation sounds better than both the Duende and Waves versions. It's the closest thing to a real SSL.
  11. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    Frozen Sun Audio - Fredman IRs

    With illegal downloading and software piracy becoming so common, people feel entitled to get everything for free (or really cheap) these days.
  12. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    1176 fast attack issues

    1176's vary from one to another. No two units sound the same and a lot of the high-profile engineers have them modified. Of course this doesn't apply to the plug-in (the UAD emulation is the best sounding). Personally I never use 1176's on drums but always on vocals and sometimes bass guitar...
  13. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    Digidesign Shoot-out: Waves SSL vs Real SSL

    The UAD SSL plug-in is the best sounding emulation I've heard and the closest to the real thing. With that said, the Waves version is still very good.
  14. Darren "Jenk" Jenkins

    Digidesign Shoot-out: Waves SSL vs Real SSL

    The main difference between the plug-in and the console is in the channel strip compressor. The plug-in just doesn't have the punch of the console. The buss compressor is a lot closer though. The other main difference is the high-end in the EQ. The plug-in gets a lot fizzier sounding when...