Recent content by demon talented

  1. demon talented

    Metal and Fascist Idealism

    Ba.. ..hahahh.. .. BAHAHAHYSAHAHAASAHAHAHAHASHAHAHHAAHHA! So fucking true it's pathetic.
  2. demon talented

    A new Black Metal FAQ

    Form is structure though. :/ It's pretty obvious by their denotations. Aesthetic is different from form.
  3. demon talented

    AMG's Bathory bio is useful for finding popular opinions on a lot of genres. They're horrible concerning metal though. Anyone who goes there searching for information on metal bands surely doesn't know much about metal, heh.
  4. demon talented

    Dimmu Borgir thrashed by Cleveland radio DJ, his email addy enclosed!

    And this is automatically inappropriate if this is on the radio? :dopey: :dopey: :dopey:
  5. demon talented

    Dimmu Borgir thrashed by Cleveland radio DJ, his email addy enclosed!

    Erik did have a point; the situation was stupid in all aspects. Dimmu is just stupid in general (laffo). The fact that "fucking bullshit" by itself (and, I think, perfectly fine for the context of what was said) is supposed to be upsetting is stupid (O my virgin ears). And the DJ's response...
  6. demon talented

    The evolution of musical taste.

    I completely agree with this, especially the discernment between people who value music as art and people who value music as a form of entertainment. As for people who like different genres from myself, I'd say that a large majority of genres will have some real, respectable artists. How...
  7. demon talented

    Lyrics to Si Monumentum Requires Circumspice

    They have stupid and hypocritical Church of Satan beliefs, but I had no problem ordering from them in the one time I have done so. Their selection is nice too overall.
  8. demon talented

    Need help finding albums and purchasing or other alternatives, etc. Go to the main part, and click "Armory" on the sidebar for the actual record store. You should be able to find most of what you want there.
  9. demon talented

    I find it hard to get into black metal...

    A pretty accessible, but good, black metal release is In the Woods' HEart of the Ages. The title track and "Yearning the Seeds of a New Dimension" are recommended.
  10. demon talented

    Audio quality: REALLY good recordings you have?

    I never really thought about it like this, but it makes a LOT of sense. I don't usually pay attention to production unless it's particularly bad or something really strikes me about it's that's good (more rare). I think Agalloch's The Mantle is worth another vote. Considering how layered the...
  11. demon talented

    Later work by respected bands

    Elegy is almost like a half/half mix of metal/prog sound, with significant folk influences on the sound too. Overall, it's their last album with more metal than non-metal influence on their actual sound. I, personally, love the album and consider it Amorphis's best work by far.
  12. demon talented

    Best lyrics in death metal?

    Well, I only have Deathcult for Eternity: The Triumph. But, assuming that is more or less representative, The Chasm focuses a LOT on emotions in their lyrics. They're too abstract for their own good, making the words generally have very little meaning to them collectively. It doesn't matter...
  13. demon talented

    Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon

    I'll bet he appreciated it. :tickled:
  14. demon talented

    Best lyrics in death metal?

    I can't make too many judgments in this thread, but this one can't be true. The Chasm has very cool music, but their lyrics are 99% negligible.
  15. demon talented

    Beherit - Drawing Down the Moon

    Minimalist would imply more than just simple - it would imply, more or less, than the most basic/essential parts are used and nothing but. (As in, see definition #2. ;))