Recent content by dertillo

  1. D

    Looking for vocalist for one song

    By the way, here is a little demo of how my voice could sound...
  2. D

    Looking for vocalist for one song

    I´m not that good at songwriting but I would be interested in trying some vocals, so if you or somebody else could give me some lyrics I would try my best. ^^
  3. D

    Amon Amarth - War of Gods Cover

    Hey guys, I made a cover of this beautiful song and wanted to know how do you like it? ^^ Amon Amrth - War Of The Gods Cover
  4. D

    Made a cover of godsmack, need vocals...

    Nobody? Please give me at least some opinions.
  5. D

    Made a cover of godsmack, need vocals...

    Hey guys, this time I tried in covering the song "I stand alone" from Godsmack, hope youi like it. What do you say to the sound, especially into the drumsound I spend a lot of time. Besides... if anyone is interested in doing the vocals, I would be pleased to hear from you. ^^
  6. D

    Daath cover - rate me !

    If I could give you one important advice... leave the older demos. So there is nothing to compare with. But while hearing your newest one I have to say guitars are muffling still too much around. And the drums aren´t also really better than in my memory. Still to synthetic. What samples do you...
  7. D

    Daath cover - rate me !

    Drums especially the bassdrum sounds way too synthetic, and the guitars muffling to much around. ^^ Try some other drum samples and maybe try alternating different ones for the bassdrum. For the guitars put more presence in there, sry I´cant tell anything about the bass because I don´t hear much...
  8. D

    Melodic metal style, short sample

    I think you still need to raise the volume of bass and drums. Otherwise, nice sound. How do you record?
  9. D

    six cover

    Aren´t these just the Mastertrack of guitar hero? And then there is so much missing in there.
  10. D

    First mix

    Like it. ^^ Heard it a few times but especially in this short piece I can´t find something that didn´t sound good. But if you want to record other people I would suggest you´re recording some other stuff with more variety so we could here more from you.
  11. D

    7 minute tune...(pod, tmf, trillian)

    Rhythm guitars are way too loud.
  12. D

    34 seconds of a good mix? or not?

    Sounds good to me, very full sound. Maybe the bassdrum need some more tweaking, its a little too clicky for my taste.
  13. D

    Old school thrash metal (Diezel Herbert, impulses)

    Which impulses did you used? Guitars are sounding to flat...
  14. D

    The most epic thing you'll hear today, guaranteed...

    Maybe try some of the most common. TSE X30,LeGion,Le456 or the LeCto. If you need more power try to put a TSE808 in front of it. Besides, great Intro in my Opinion, looking forward to hear more of your songs. ^^
  15. D

    A Melodic Death/Metalcore song to mix for you guys! Vocals included!

    And here is my try... I would like to get some feedback, cause it was my first try of mixing a song another person has recorded.