Recent content by Dgaf

  1. Dgaf

    When did this all begin for you?

    Been listening to metal since age 9
  2. Dgaf

    Alexi V

    Yeah but look at how many people do use em
  3. Dgaf

    My piks of COB in Montreal :)

    Damn when they did signing on the 10th that's all they did. Then again some Staff Nazi was trying to tell them what they could do.
  4. Dgaf

    COBHC Merch... How long did it take to arrive?

    If it came from Germany in 5 days you've gotta live close to it because for the US it takes at least 2 weeks
  5. Dgaf

    METALCORE anyone?

    Lamb of God, Shadows Fall, Killswitch Engage, they're all good. But Mastodon isn't metalcore. Not really sure what the hell they are. But I was listening to SF today and fell in love with them all over again.
  6. Dgaf

    what r u listen right now?

    Into Eternity - Buried In Oblivion
  7. Dgaf

    This Japanese guy..

    Best Asian Guitarist : Herman Li of Dragonforce
  8. Dgaf

    Post your Honest Opinion of the TGE Cover

    The cover so far is better than all the other's in my opinion
  9. Dgaf

    meeting AA

    I didn't get to meet em when they played last Saturday, yet I met Children of Bodom and Trivium? Damn you AA
  10. Dgaf

    what is your favourite AA song?

    Sound of Eight Hooves is amazing. But I'd have to say Death In Fire beats it.
  11. Dgaf

    So guess I'm the new guy

    Well I was on the CoB boards then saw the link and looked around. Then decided to join. So guess that makes me the new guy.