My piks of COB in Montreal :)


New Metal Member
Dec 16, 2005



I really like all these piks exept the one with Jaska where i really do a shitty face, it's because he just say something really funny right before my friend take the picture lol.

I hope you guys going to come back to Montreal, we all like you there, you fuckin rock! :loco:
the show was awesome !! and your pics are really cool!! I wish I was standing right next to you haha
now I'd like to find a pic of my chrismas hat lol
so if anyone has pics from the montreal gig (dec11th) post them please!!!
Looked like you had a great time.
Damn when they did signing on the 10th that's all they did. Then again some Staff Nazi was trying to tell them what they could do.
Yeah, its cause I don't have any scanner so I take a picture of the picture with my webcam loll, you got the right answer 3z3k12l ;)
Dgaf said:
Damn when they did signing on the 10th that's all they did. Then again some Staff Nazi was trying to tell them what they could do.

Is that what it was? The staff? I kinda figured. Most of those guys were dickheads.

But the band still kicks ass.
The Bringer said:
Who's the little fuckin kid? Ahhh well. Looks cold.

Well, at least "the little fuckin kid" met COB! I can't say the same... Don't even know if I'll ever have the chance to say it myself... :erk:

Have u met COB???? :err:
Nice pics dude, I was in the line up with you, I think we talked, don't remember to well, I drank a lot. What a show thought. I should have followed you when you met the band.

I'm the one with the Maiden hat.



Cheers !