Recent content by dreamcatcher

  1. dreamcatcher

    Just got back from meshuggah and cynic

    I was at that show. I was kinda irritated at people screaming stuff like "PLAY HUMAN!" to Cynic. I was struck by the dynamics of the drum sound for Cynic, but I thought the guitar and vocal sounds were overpowered by the kicks. And what was that on the stand with the talkbox part for...
  2. dreamcatcher

    Like to create weird guitar chord shapes?

    cheers for this, I'm a rather intervallic player but I never thought to map hat stuff out like this. :kickass:
  3. dreamcatcher

    My Acoustic Treatment

    looks good, man. almost sleek, even.
  4. dreamcatcher

    Vice President Palin?

    This is so irresistibly wrong
  5. dreamcatcher

    Vice President Palin?

    So sexist! ...and kinda arousing :blush:
  6. dreamcatcher

    Vice President Palin?

  7. dreamcatcher

    What the fuck is this shit?!

    I meant that Norway does offshore without much environmental impact (supposedly), but their coastline and coastal habitats have been longer impacted by human and industrial activities than California or Alaska. So I suspect there was less there to impact.
  8. dreamcatcher

    What the fuck is this shit?!

    Norway seems to be held up as the prime example of responsible offshore driling, but I can't help but think that that came after many generations more of human environmental impact than what we see in California or Alaska.
  9. dreamcatcher

    Anyone else sick?

    Bad cold. Huge gobs of snot, bad cough, sore throat. Fuckin sucks.
  10. dreamcatcher

    What the fuck is this shit?!

    My question is why offshore and not those other 68 million acres, tho.
  11. dreamcatcher

    What the fuck is this shit?!

    I'm curious how offshore became such a big deal when there is well over 68 million acres of federal lands with oil under them that are currently under lease to oil companies-- and no one is drilling them.
  12. dreamcatcher

    didnt have enough with guitar heroe multitracks file ? come here kids!

    I believe that was an attempt at subtlety :lol:
  13. dreamcatcher

    Beautyfull Swede's.

    There's still pushes to sterilize the poor (women) in the US. In the late 1990s there was a massive lawsuit about the coercive implantation of Norplant into women's bodies as a condition of receiving welfare. It was struck down, but the same thing is happening right now in other states of the US.
  14. dreamcatcher

    Any D&D players here?

    I got the starter set and played with my kids. We ran through the scripted campaigns, so supposedly they're ready for the advanced rulebook... but they're not since they're 6, 8, and 10 :lol: So I gotta make up some more short campaigns :blush:
  15. dreamcatcher

    poo sightings???

    wild rice husks, blood, some weird filmy stuff that hung off it like algae, and a really really long hair