Anyone else sick?

I've been fighting this really annoying cold for almost a week now. It doesn't help that every single person attending my college is coughing and sneezing all over the desks and some of them sound like they should be hospitalized (or quarantined, whichever works)
I have been downing Mucinex D for the last 3 days. There is this fucking horrid itch in the back of my throat that just gets dried and irritated when I sleep so I wake up ever 2 hours coughing my ass off. I have been through 2 bags of ludens cough drops (the only ones I can stand).

I sound like a fucking Barry White bass (this really sucks because I was doing some singing for a forum member... and now it's getting pushed back further :erk:)

Headaches like a motherfucker.

Nose is either packed full of shit, or leaking like a shitty faucet.

All in all just feel like shit.
Last weekend I had a nasty cold with a 103 degree fever. Before I was officially sick almost everyone at my college had something as well.
I've been dripping snot for the past week, I thought it was a sinus infection, started Monday night, got worse tuesday (clear mucous), worst wednesday including headache and fever and orange mucous, then back to how I was tuesday (clear), and now just stuffed up nose. I'm always amazed by how much liquid my head can hold without me knowing.
Over here pretty much everone has a fucking cold. I got it and had a few days off school which is a lot in our uber high pressure school. Fucking sucks, lack of sleep is worse than the cold itself I think. Oh yeah, my ears are fucked aswell, can't mix for shit at the moment.