The ProgPower Sickness.....

hahahaha, you think THAT was hot in Atlanta? Just wait 'til next year! :)

I'm still feeling kinda crappy. Some congestion, occasional sneezing. My manager gave me the hairy eyeball after I took Monday off so I dragged my ass into work on Tuesday and Wednesday. When half my co-workers come down with this, SHE'LL be sorry! :lol:

(Or not.)

Yeah, I was SO GLAD that we got the weather that we did..... this northerner can't take the south under normal conditions. Hey Glen..... PPX in November? :headbang::lol:
I got it..sneezing, coughing...all that stuff. I too am one that is NEVER sick so there was definitely a germ exchange going on at Center Stage last weekend. I'm sure a combination of roadtripping from Chicago to Atlanta and back, heavy drinking, lack of sleep, and then sitting through an ass kicking in Nashville (big Vikings fan here, and the Titans did not show them much southern hospitality) on Sunday on a cloudless 80 degree day brought the old immune system down a bit. But I wouldn't trade the sickness for the ProgPower experience...just letting us know that we are still alive. :kickass:
Still feeling some ;lingering effects.... more tired than I'd be normally, plus voice is still strained and I still have the ol' scratchy throat.

A reasonably relaxing weekend is hopefully in order.