The ProgPower Sickness.....

I just woke up and my throat is killing me. I was perfectly fine until now, except a splitting headache. I need to remedy this sore throat fast so it doesn't leave me vulnerable to something other than the ProgPower Plague. :ill:
I managed to escape the PPUSA plague this year, for the first time in a few years..yeah baybee! A nice change, considering I've battled the post-fest creeping crud more years than not since back in the Powermad days!
Yeah I got really sick as well, I was supposed to go down to Orlando for the Iced Earth/Into Eternity show at HOB but was so freakin' sick I just slept all day. It was terrible. My sinuses are still killing me!!

And that stupid incense that was lighted all freakin' day and night in the womens bathroom DID NOT HELP! Stupid asthma :'(
Sore throat Saturday night, all out sick on Sunday - woozy, disconnected, couldn't breathe, even felt a bit queasy. Monday I felt like I was drunk, but without the buzz. Still was groggy and disconnected. Felt better yesterday, if not completely myself. Now I just feel like I have a minor cold, so I'm doing fairly well, now.
I actually had a pre-scheduled doctor's appt. for yesterday afternoon and had him check out my PP Plague... He said it was just a normal cold and that it would run its course in 7-10 days. Ugh.
I managed to escape the PPUSA plague this year, for the first time in a few years..yeah baybee! A nice change, considering I've battled the post-fest creeping crud more years than not since back in the Powermad days!

and this is my first year of catching the plague...crap on toast!
i still feel rolling-shit-hammered...and it's already (what day is it?!) oh yeah - wednesday
but damn it was fun :headbang::headbang::headbang:
was there some sort of strand that got around to everyone? it seems that everyone has the same symptoms and have been sick for the same amount of time.

Heh... take 1200 people, shove them in a big room, and then tell them to jump up and down, run around, and scream their heads off. One person with a flu bug is all it takes. :)
And that stupid incense that was lighted all freakin' day and night in the womens bathroom DID NOT HELP! Stupid asthma :'(

That was indeed terrible. I asked the lady if she could put it out, but she never did. I could barely walk by that area as well. If it had been good incense instead of the cheap crap it would not have been so bad.

I lucked out again and missed the PP flu. Woot! I am under the weather due to this messed up fibromyalgia I have...I knew I would be after pushing myself all weekend...but it's all good. Took the week off to rest.

Hope everyone feels better soon!