The ProgPower Sickness.....

My friends and I got various symptoms as well. But if you think about it, a bunch of people from all over the world crowded together and sweating in a medium sized venue...I'd call that Virus Fest '08! I vote for a PP tetanus shot to be given at the door on Thursday & Friday before people can get in! :lol:
I actually think it's the hotel rooms and the air conditioning that make people sick at times. I hate hotels for that reason. I'm OK this year, but I didn't have the air conditioner turned too low either. That's just a bit of advice from EOT for your next hotel stay. :)

I managed not to get sick last year, which was my first year. But this year, a friend of mine was sick when she arrived on Thursday, so since I was in close contact with her during the fest, I'm not suprised I got sick.

Feeling like your head isn't quite part of your body sucks. I think I'm going to take lots of vitamin C next year, and bring Airborne with me.
I thought it was just a sore throat from screaming too much, but alas it turned into the full-fledged ProgPower Plague by Sunday night. I was worthless yesterday, but am feeling slightly better today.

sounds familiar

with all the drinking I did friday night, I figured my throat and how I felt was a byproduct. First time I ever I didn't have a drop on Saturday

Monday I was eeehhh but yesterday at work (had to be there) I had the runny nose, coughing and plummeting energy level

stayed home today and slept in and feeling better - definitely the worst I have been hit in 6 years
I thought it was just a sore throat from screaming too much, but alas it turned into the full-fledged ProgPower Plague by Sunday night. I was worthless yesterday, but am feeling slightly better today. Here's to hoping my roomies didn't also catch it.

That's what I thought to. Thought it was too much screaming and not enough sleep. However at work on Monday my coworker called my super and told him that there was no way in hell I was coming into work. Have today off too. Hopefully be back at work tomorrow..

I managed not to get sick last year, which was my first year. But this year, a friend of mine was sick when she arrived on Thursday, so since I was in close contact with her during the fest, I'm not suprised I got sick.

Feeling like your head isn't quite part of your body sucks. I think I'm going to take lots of vitamin C next year, and bring Airborne with me.
So what you're saying is that it's YOUR FRIEND who got everyone sick??? ;)

Claus and I have both been sick as well. He's way worse than me and doesn't seem to be getting better yet. Men .... :rolleyes:

Hahaaaa :)
I actually think it's the hotel rooms and the air conditioning that make people sick at times. I hate hotels for that reason. I'm OK this year, but I didn't have the air conditioner turned too low either. That's just a bit of advice from EOT for your next hotel stay. :)


That's where I think my bit of the plague came from seeing it was mainly just a sore throat (and loss of voice for a day or so on Sunday) for me. Sleeping next to the AC on our air mattress is what did it for me. By Friday night I realized that's what it was and covered that end of the AC directly blasting me with a t-shirt, but by then it was too late. Ah well, I've been eating honey spread for the past few days and that's really been helping my throat. I'm pretty much all better now.
...lek's mom got me hooked on lipton green tea with honey so i had been downing that non-stop...i think that kept me from getting sick....(yay)

travis is not feeling that great (and he is busy with marching band which doesn't help matters much)

lek, i think had a little bit of a sore throat....
Yep, I was down with teh sickness as of Monday night, never fails! But I suppose walking 25 miles in Atlanta heat and then returning to drizzly Ontario can do that to ya :p

Hey Rick - You and Anj need to come to Phoenix in August and I'll show you some heat. :heh: It was great seeing y'all at the SymX lunch. Oh, and excellent track on the ProgPower sampler!!

As for the ProgPower sickness, I got it the previous 2 years, but managed to stay healthy this year. I took vitamins every day with massive doses of Vitamin C. Plus, I've been off of most dairy foods this year due to allergies, and I find that I'm getting a lot fewer colds. (Knock on wood...)
Okay, the PPP (ProgPower Plague) is slowly grasping my in it's clutches. A few days ago I woke up with a horrible sore throat, but today I am extremely congested. Hopefully the vitamins I'd been dosing up on will assure it doesn't get any worse. Thankfully I have Friday off so some extra sleep too.
I lied...It hit me today..been coughing and started feeling like shit....

Glad I got a years supply of Tamiflu!!!

I haven't been sick in over 6 years. But now I definitely have aches, heavy chest and sore throat. Been Nyquil'd up all day.
Yep, I was down with teh sickness as of Monday night, never fails! But I suppose walking 25 miles in Atlanta heat and then returning to drizzly Ontario can do that to ya :p

hahahaha, you think THAT was hot in Atlanta? Just wait 'til next year! :)

I'm still feeling kinda crappy. Some congestion, occasional sneezing. My manager gave me the hairy eyeball after I took Monday off so I dragged my ass into work on Tuesday and Wednesday. When half my co-workers come down with this, SHE'LL be sorry! :lol:

(Or not.)