ok, who got sick this year?

I blew my voice out Thursday night (go figure...) but other than a little
chest phlegmage, from smoking/partying/lack of sleep/not to mention the smoke in the lobby (I'm a smoker, and it even made me go outside quite a bit), I'm doing quite well, other than having a slight Barry White voice. Last year, I was sick as a dog for 3 weeks. Drank more tequila this year, THAT must be it! :heh:
One of my party just reported in today saying that as of 3 days ago, they were sicker than a dog.

I've been lucky and not got it except for my first PP 6 years ago. At least a week before PP I start with the Airborne and drink it about 5 times a day. I also most always have hand sanitizer or wipes with me, and make sure I never touch my face with un-washed hands. The un-washed hands thing is a habit I've picked up mostly from working two jobs, one with the public and money, and knowing what kinds of evil can be lurking on my hands from that job. :ill:
I just have one suggestion to y'all.... drink more, nothing can survive in my bloodstream when I'm Progpower:lol::lol::lol::lol::kickass::loco:

Seriously though, I somehow avoided getting sick even though Jax had the funk for 2 weeks prior to the show this year... She was just getting better and I thought for sure I was gonna get it that weekend, but alas I went through unscathed!

Ok I'm pretty sure I just jinxed myself for next year...:lol:
We wondered where you went off to! I thought maybe you left or something.

Naw, I started getting light headed and breaking out in a cold sweat which usually leads to me getting dizzy and loosing my vision for a few minutes. Not a fun thing that I find happens occasionally at concerts if it's ridiculously hot, I get dehydrated or am already getting sick. I held out for about 3 songs before I got to the point where I had to get some water and sit for a bit.
Fiancee and I both got sick on Friday after eating some of the food at Vinyl's. :puke: Even lasted the same amount of time for us both. Got a sore throat just after getting back, and thats since turned into a full blown cold. First time in 8 ProgPower's so I'm not complaining.
Alcohol is an antiseptic, so if you have it flowing all through your system, you can't get sick.

Drinking = preventive medicine
One of my party just reported in today saying that as of 3 days ago, they were sicker than a dog.

I've been lucky and not got it except for my first PP 6 years ago. At least a week before PP I start with the Airborne and drink it about 5 times a day. I also most always have hand sanitizer or wipes with me, and make sure I never touch my face with un-washed hands. The un-washed hands thing is a habit I've picked up mostly from working two jobs, one with the public and money, and knowing what kinds of evil can be lurking on my hands from that job. :ill:

I do this as well all the time not just when i head off on a fest trip. I see so many people not washing their hands so I am paranoid of touching anything and just in case I have touched something, my hands don't come near my face especially eyes or nose where you can easily put the germs into your body. :ill:
Shiit... I drank less, slept more, ate a lot and got sick for the first time. Not sure pacing was the way to go. I got my voice back Thursday, but I'm still congested. I think drinking more was more "healthy" lol.