Anyone else sick of this?

Sorry, but I love the low tones haha.
Just because I play an 8 doesn't mean I'm only going to be using the bottom two strings though, that's stupid.
Welcome to the new age boys.
Do you judge the entire prog-metal scene based on your local bands?

If you do that's retarded, if you don't, then stop doing it for other genres.

No, my jusgement on death metal and black metal (and other extreme genres) is based on the big name bands. Sorry to those offending, but IMHO, suffocation, cattle decapitation, decide, cannibal corpse (and many others that I have forgotten) and the like all suck. The only death metal band I can stand is death, and even that is pushing it. It all sounds the same to me, all local bands try to sound like the bands listed above and all I hear is never ending blastbeats, sweaps, fully diminished arpeggios, gutteral screams and mostly, NOISE!!!

you're gonna love this :

Love irony and hypocrisy? I sure do. The "death metal" band that made that song fall into the same generic shit they are attacking. Again, irony and hypocrisy at its finest.
I recently had the revelation that I love music and I just listen to the music I like and not the music I don't. It's great. If people ask me about bands I don't like, I say I don't like them. If people comment negatively on my musical tastes, I tell them to go get fucked and listen to music they like instead of wasting their time. I wish people would just be happy that music exists instead of hating whatever is cool to hate at any given moment.
Suffocation suck


I would respect your opinion if you didn't use the term "noise".

What goes through your mind when an average joe uses that term to describe straight up heavy metal bands like Priest, Maiden or Sabbath.
It's laughable and a cop out.

You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, but when you deride entire genres you need to do better than essentially boiling it down to "they suck".
I agree that bands nowadays use the same shit pattern countless times, especially in all styles that the word "core" enters. Some bands can play half song with just chuga chuga and as if that were not enough, they even have breakdowns with chuga chuga!lol Pointless and boring as hell. But all kinds of music have good stuff, just a question of search them.
I don't know...I personally don't like this style very much but I end up having to teach it all the time so I've come to tolerate it to a degree.
I get you dude. Being a prog guy, I love traditional 6 string guitars doing anything but riding on the low end. My band plays in Drop B, but raility do we ever play a B, we are too busy playing something else higher and more intricate.

Fuck Djent
Fuck Crabcore
Fuck Metalcore
Fuck Riding on the low end
Fuck Jogging in place skinny jeans em-over hair androgynous bullshit!
There's mindless chugging all over the songs on your band's Reverb Nation page.
I get you dude. Being a prog guy, I love traditional 6 string guitars doing anything but riding on the low end. My band plays in Drop B, but raility do we ever play a B, we are too busy playing something else higher and more intricate.

Fuck Djent
Fuck Crabcore
Fuck Metalcore
Fuck Riding on the low end
Fuck Jogging in place skinny jeans em-over hair androgynous bullshit!

fuck metalcore? are you srs? your last song Break the silence is basic generic metalcore.. plus, your songs are not that great :(
No, my jusgement on death metal and black metal (and other extreme genres) is based on the big name bands. Sorry to those offending, but IMHO, suffocation, cattle decapitation, decide, cannibal corpse (and many others that I have forgotten) and the like all suck. The only death metal band I can stand is death, and even that is pushing it. It all sounds the same to me, all local bands try to sound like the bands listed above and all I hear is never ending blastbeats, sweaps, fully diminished arpeggios, gutteral screams and mostly, NOISE!!!

Love irony and hypocrisy? I sure do. The "death metal" band that made that song fall into the same generic shit they are attacking. Again, irony and hypocrisy at its finest.

that's the thing they do it on purpose :)
I get you dude. Being a prog guy, I love traditional 6 string guitars doing anything but riding on the low end. My band plays in Drop B, but raility do we ever play a B, we are too busy playing something else higher and more intricate.

Fuck Djent
Fuck Crabcore
Fuck Metalcore
Fuck Riding on the low end
Fuck Jogging in place skinny jeans em-over hair androgynous bullshit!

Whatever you guys wanna say, but the famous band in these styles are making a killing. So is Sturgis. So who's losing here?

I'm sick of alot of things but music I don't ever hear is not one of them.
There's two kinds of music GOOD and BAD! Genres are for the most point just a reference.

Just like with everything else there's plenty of generic stereo types in music, metal pop hip hop everything. I judge music based mostly on emotional connection, production, and songwriting. Originality is a key factor but if a basic hardcore song or something like that is done well it doesnt have to be original. Music doesn't always have to reinvent the wheel.
I don't mind not being original if the songs are put together well and I can relate to the feel and vibe of it.