Recent content by elirien

  1. elirien

    Obsessive songs

    well imho they didn't change much musically. they slowed kinda down a little bit. especially in " a nod and a wink (2002)". i didn't actually listen to the stuff they made in the 80s so they didn't shock me. but you gotta listen to "rajaz" its such a damn beautifull album. the first song is...
  2. elirien

    Obsessive songs

    totally awesome song. i listen to camel 's 1999 rajaz album lately. cant stop listening to "lost and found"
  3. elirien

    More Katatonia/Coldplay

    well i listened to coldplay when they were kinda new. i liked one or two songs. got totally sick of them after i listened to radiohead 's "kid a". there are better bands out there then coldplay in this genre (codeine as an example imho). and i couldnt see any resemblance between them and...
  4. elirien

    Post the most depressing songs you've ever heard, maximum 10 artists

    björk - its in our hands, pagan poetry arcturus - evacuation code decyphered winds - theory of relativity (well that album of winds is definately "killing") mono (jp) - 16.12 opeth - to bid you farewell well these are some. there are a lot more of course not listed
  5. elirien

    Best Katatonia release TILL Brave Murder Day

    i really don't care mostly of bands religious believes and sex choices (i still listen to queen lol). i must say Brave Murder Day because it has the quality i so adore in Katatonia releases. Very cold and intense music. i like some songs of the older ones tho i admit i don't like them very...
  6. elirien

    What kind of Katatonia fan are you?

    well i couldn't vote either. i listen to lots of styles wich aren't even listed (like jazz, even funk, classical [bach,vivaldi etc...]) i have a little weird background. i started with megadeth, metallica, testament, sepultura (mainly thrash) began to convert to extreme metal (i played black...