Recent content by evilchik381

  1. evilchik381

    The Band Name Game

  2. evilchik381

    The Band Name Game

    morbid angel
  3. evilchik381

    how dumb is trivium

    i think triuvium is good... i saw them at the "sounds" tour and i thought they were awsome... so yea trivium=good(to me)
  4. evilchik381

    slipknot, 9.0 live

    i think 9.o was good but im not a BIG fan of live albums but i thought it was pretty good
  5. evilchik381

    So How Bad (Or Good) Is The New Lacuna Coil?

    i think karmacode is the best album from them... they sound really good...
  6. evilchik381

    new Lacuna Coil

    i think lacuna is really good.... they are one of my favorite bands
  7. evilchik381

    The Band Name Game

    the only band i can think of is rammstein
  8. evilchik381

    The Thread Where You Talk About Music You Like

    ne 1 here like lacuna coil???
  9. evilchik381

    Guitar Hero

    guitar hero is really fun!!! once i played it at best buy on hard and these older guys were just staring at me... it was funny they wound up leaving the game sayin " dang she was good!!!" nah but i cant wait for the 2nd 1 to come out... me and my dad will prolly try to beat each other again on...
  10. evilchik381

    Metal Chicks

    yea my aunt took me to the "sounds" tour!!! it was freakin awsome!!! i had so much fun!!!
  11. evilchik381

    im new!!!

    :Smokin: :rock: just wanted to say hey... yea im new so um... just wanna say hi :rock: :Smokin:
  12. evilchik381

    Guitar Hero 2.5?

    :rock: ha i would laugh if they had gwar... lol... that would be funny but im sure they wont have them on there.... oh yea next time i go over to ur house evil c i challenge u to a game on it!!!:rock: