new Lacuna Coil

you guys don't like the nu metal riffs in lacuna coil but can never admit the nu metal riffs in newer katatonia make their newer direction even worse!
I haven't seen this thread before. I actually quite like the new Lacuna Coil album. There is a DEFINATE Korn influence, which should be a bad thing, but.. it kinda works.

Didn't like it at all at first, but it is growing on me slowly. Definately no classic, but a solid record.

And yes, Anneke van Giersbergen is a FAR superior singer to Cristina Scabbia.
lacuna coil are great... and i hate simple minded idiots like have no own opinnions, why even bother to whine on someones musictaste? you just like all the bands you know are going to be accepted here... or tell me one example of an artist you think wouldnt be.
And NFU, after hearing that among your favourite vocalists you can find artists like michael jackson and elton john, one would think that you´re more open minded than that, but obviously not.

i think that the new album is okay, but that the older ones are much better... their sound is so different in the new one, nothing personal about it really... my favourite is comalies
there are some nu-metalish riffs on the new lacuna coil album...that don´t suite my taste at all...
there is nothing i dislike in the great cold distance... so even if there would be nu-metal riffs in it (wich i have´nt noticed), i like them anyway.
metal_wrath said:
I agree the band could be better. I think it would be cool if Cristina joined a melodic death metal band, imagine the possibilites...


goddamn, Angela Gossow sure is ugly :erk:

but Christina definitly makes up for her :notworthy :lol:
sadguru: a whole month wrapped up in those words, THANKYOU!

nah angela is a reguilar looking gal... it´s just that christina is next to her and she is overwhelmingly beautiful
metal_wrath said:
*cough* homo *cough*

yeah it would take a homo to actually think she's pretty :Smug: Her face reminds me of the guy from James Bond, the one with the steel teeth... only that she's got long blond hair

oh and no steel teeth as far as I know :lol:
Liquid Diamonds said:
Rofl @ 'Mangela'. That was classic!

Angela Gossow isn't quite what we here in Scotland may call a 'munter', but she isn't exactly a beauty either. Cristina Scabbia, on the other hand... phwoar!

her full name (dubbed by me) which was actually one of the factors that led to me causing her to take down the arch enemy forum off of ultimate metal entirely was: "Man-gela Gross-ow"
HaloPhenomenon said:
lacuna coil are great... and i hate simple minded idiots like have no own opinnions, why even bother to whine on someones musictaste? you just like all the bands you know are going to be accepted here... or tell me one example of an artist you think wouldnt be.
And NFU, after hearing that among your favourite vocalists you can find artists like michael jackson and elton john, one would think that you´re more open minded than that, but obviously not.

i think that the new album is okay, but that the older ones are much better... their sound is so different in the new one, nothing personal about it really... my favourite is comalies

yea, im not open minded. :rolleyes:

no, actually...its just when lacuna coil is playing my "shit detector" starts buzzing and dinging like crazy.
My shit detector goes after I've eaten a bad kebab.

Lacuna Coil... hmm, I actually don't mind some of Comalies but the rest is fairly bad. Cristina is welcome to tour though... as long as the band doesn't come with her and she packs some skimpy clothes + a firemans pole:)
Kenneth R. said:
new Lacuna Coil...... doesn't deserve its own thread like Riverside.

this album is fairly bland and unmemorable. harsh? I thought Unleashed Memories was far superior.

Riverside is bland and boring. Lacuna Coil is bland and less boring.