Guitar Hero 2.5?

I was having a good time tonight playing Guitar Hero, and jamming to Pantera and Megadeth..etc. I was wondering, of all you metal gamers, if you could pick any songs to play in Guitar Hero, what would they be??? I know right off that Evil C would pick any Anthrax song.
Ok, I'm hoping that with you guys early Metallica counts as metal.:)

So if that is the case, Fade to Black. And if I can't go with that one, I'll go with Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.
The officially announced songs for Guitar Hero II will be posted here as they are released. The current songs are:

1. You Really Got Me - Van Halen
2. Strutter - KISS
3. Who was in my room last night - Butthole Surfers
4. Warpigs - Black Sabbath
5. Arterial Black - Drist
6. Psychobilly Freakout - Reverand Horton Heat
7. YYZ - Rush
8. John the Fisherman - Primus
:rock: ha i would laugh if they had gwar... lol... that would be funny but im sure they wont have them on there.... oh yea next time i go over to ur house evil c i challenge u to a game on it!!!:rock:
t the Activate Asia conference today where PALGN was in attendance, three brand spankin' new Guitar Hero II tracks were announced. Expect to head bang to "Madhouse" by thrash metal icons Anthrax, glam it up with Motley Crue's "Shout at the Devil", and play along with "Tripping on a Hole in a Paper Heart" by Stone Temple Pilots in the next entry in the series, hopefully out later this year.

These three new tracks, combined with the initial track list that was named prior to E3, brings the known total up to 10, out of a proposed 55. Quite a few more to be revealed then. More as it comes.