Recent content by ExDown

  1. ExDown

    New AS YOU DROWN song! Mixed/mastered by Thomas 'Plec' Johansson

    Ok thanks guys. I'm quite happy with the guitars, but of course with better reamping they could have gotten better... low budget on everything, as you said =)
  2. ExDown

    New AS YOU DROWN song! Mixed/mastered by Thomas 'Plec' Johansson

    Hey guys, My band AS YOU DROWN (Metal Blade Records) just made the first single, 'You Should Be Paranoid', from our second full lenght album available for streaming. Head on over to to check it out!
  3. ExDown

    remove ISRC code?

  4. ExDown

    remove ISRC code?

    Is there any way to remove ISRC codes from a song? Myspace keep blocking my bands music since it's copyright belongs to the record label, and not the artist... even though the label said it was OK to upload the tracks. Help is very much appriciated :) Cheers
  5. ExDown

    Question to all you touring guys.

    That sucks dude, sorry to hear. I really admire you as a band for that. It shows you're guys that really wants to make it in this business... kudos :) Good luck in the future.
  6. ExDown

    Question to all you touring guys.

    Okay. Problem is first coming up with the 2,000 euro buyin + 5,000 for transportation/hostel... then comes the 3-4,000 for printing merch to even stand the chance to win some of that cash back :) We're just a bunch of filthy metal dudes, not millionares :)
  7. ExDown

    Question to all you touring guys.

    Wow, I'm quite amazed... I would never pay almost 7,000 euro + 4-5,000 euro lost income out of my own pocket unless it would be supporting bands like Cannibal Corpse, Decapitated or Morbid Angel. I mean, not even getting any kind of compensation doesn't excist in my world... what are the...
  8. ExDown

    Question to all you touring guys.

    Hey, My question is to all you touring guys in here. Let's say i'm in a band that's on a quite big record company that just released our debut CD, which recieves great reviews. What is a decent tour offer in our case? Let us say that the tour is with not so well known bands (ex. Hate...
  9. ExDown

    As You Drown - Reflection @ Spotify

    We used Peavey 5150 mk2, ENGL v30 cab and two sm57 Fredman style. Snare and kick are Steven Slates.
  10. ExDown

    As You Drown - Reflection @ Spotify

    Awesome! Thanks a lot :)
  11. ExDown

    As You Drown - Reflection @ Spotify

    Hey friends :) My band, As You Drown, just released our debut album through Metal Blade Records about a month ago. I just noticed that it has been added on Spotify. The album was self produced, so please check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks! / Simon
  12. ExDown

    My bands (As You Drown) debut on Metal Blade Rec.

    Yes, snare11 i think, with 90% blend or so
  13. ExDown

    My bands (As You Drown) debut on Metal Blade Rec.

    No, it's the black album kick if I remember it correctly.
  14. ExDown

    My bands (As You Drown) debut on Metal Blade Rec.

    Thanks a thousand everyone, really appriciate it :) Keep rockin' / Simon & AYD
  15. ExDown

    My bands (As You Drown) debut on Metal Blade Rec.

    Cool! I'll keep you informed then! Cheers mate / Simon