Recent content by fading

  1. fading

    Michael Kiske is still amazing.

    And Kiske still sounds killer too!!
  2. fading

    Riverside - ADHD

    Riverside are Brilliant. I dig all of their albums. You should check out there Album 'Shrine of New Generation Slaves'. I came out in 2013. Brilliant! Their first 3 discs was a trilogy, which are killer as well. IMHO you can't go wrong with any of their discs.
  3. fading

    Shawn Drover quits Megadeth

    Dave Lombardo stated he would consider playing with megadeth!
  4. fading

    SANCTUARY - Exitium (Anthem Of The Living) (Lyric Video)

    Sounds freaking Killer!!!!!
  5. fading

    Arise and Purirfy

    I said it on FB and I will say it here.....Sanctuary has returned!!!!
  6. fading

    Vikings is the best show on TV

    Here is where you can watch full episodes
  7. fading


    Yea, I know the colors are different. I just liked these colors better.
  8. fading


    Great Game! One of the few wallpapers I put together.
  9. fading


    Yea, I dig The Cold as well!
  10. fading

    Heaven & Hell cover

    This one is even better!
  11. fading

    Heaven & Hell cover Pretty freakin cool for 11
  12. fading

    Here ya go kids...discuss..

    OKay, Really digging this WD!
  13. fading

    Happy birthday Karen!

    Happy B-Day!
  14. fading

    Hey all, what's new?

    Hey Jen! How ya been?