Recent content by JazzIII

  1. J

    Hey Chris- Lessons and Playing question

    Hey LL, Give this a read... It's based on solid concepts and should help you bust the barrier. Kel
  2. J

    I want an acoustic with a whammy bar.

    Peavey actually DID make an acoustic with a whammy bar...around '94 I believe. Obviously not for long...
  3. J

    Question for Chris....

    Good question. I'm curious to hear Chris' answer too. For me, I'd say do it all. Transcribing will inform other areas of your playing. It'll give you insight on how other players use the basic materials (scales, arpeggios,different techniques etc...) to play the things that make YOU like...
  4. J

    warming up

    Here's a few ideas to toss around concerning the topic of warming up. First of all, I've found that doing stretches AWAY from the guitar (as seen on the Rock Discipline Dvd by John Petrucci) is an invaluable way to begin. Streching out the muscles in the arms, back, shoulders and even THUMB...
  5. J

    Help with left hand

    I know what your saying...that's the same issue I deal with as well. What helps greatly is watching the angle your fingers make to the frets; try to keep them as parallel to the frets as possible. This may require a slight shift of your ARM to be closer to your body. Kinda hard to explain...
  6. J

    Help with left hand

    Well, keep in mind the one BIG rule: Your fingers will only do what you teach (or allow) them to do. You have to be in total control of how high up your fingers are coming after playing a note. This of course is done by tons of repetition at stupid-slow tempos...while being FOCUSED...
  7. J

    King Diamond - Roadrunner United Track

    Well, that must've been The Puppet Master. That DVD disc has King explaining the story of The Puppet Master in his own words. Cool little bonus that I didn't even realize was part of the package until I bought it. Concert footage would have been even BETTER but...I can't complain.
  8. J

    Industrial Eden

    Hey Chris, What exactly would this current release consist of? Are we talking about an instrumental album (hint :rock: )? Kel
  9. J

    Picking with your Wrist or elbow....

    Chris, please allow me to geek-out for a sec with a couple of questions. When I saw you in Toronto (opening for Helloween), I was close enough to observe your playing in great detail. My observation, when it came to the faster picking passages was that you'd use your wrist to pick any given...
  10. J

    Brett Garsed (Guitar Video) win!
  11. J

    Brett Garsed (Guitar Video)

    Yep...I've seen the first one. Very cool. Chris, have you heard the "Centrifugal Funk" album (w/gambale and Lane)? That was my first exposure to Brett. I must have rewound Bretts parts on "Hey Tee Bone" about a million times. Great sense of rhythmic phrasing to go along with the burn.
  12. J

    The New Look!

    Hey zac! Great job on the new look of the site! Can't wait for the added stuff too. The long-awaited Kreutzers etudes perhaps? Thumbs up!
  13. J

    Ron Jarzombek

    Absolutely! I've heard a bit of both bands and have to agree...very cool and unique stuff!
  14. J

    Picking chops.....

    Great question! I'm always interested in others thoughts and advice on this topic as well. I have my own thoughts on this subject which I may contribute after Chris answers this post. Kel
  15. J


    I had no doubt. :grin: Where do you visit when you come up?