Recent content by kureno

  1. kureno

    OFFICAL Setlist Thread

    Couldn't you just leave the bands that didn't consent out of the video? I missed most of Seventh Wonder's set standing in line for the Delain signing and would really, REALLY like to see those brought-the-house-down crazy performances that everyone's raving about. Also, those DelainxMarco...
  2. kureno

    PP USA Recent News - in case you missed it (volume 3)

    That is an excellent tip--thank you so much for getting us the local taxi company's number!
  3. kureno

    Personal message from Kamelot for PPUSA fans

    Will definitely be sad not to see Roy the first time I see Kamelot live, but as everyone said, his health is more important. Still looking forward to hearing my favorite Kamelot songs live at PPUSA!
  4. kureno


    OMG, I love TMR too!!! *__* He has such an unexpectedly powerful voice (coming out of such a petite, beautiful frame~ LoL!). Especially his work with Abingdon Boys School--gawds, "Via Dolorosa" is SO powerful. And their cover of BUCK-TICK's "Dress"--wowie. That one moment where the music stops...
  5. kureno


    I totally will! I'll popping into the ProgPower area starting Friday and will be the fluffy Asian girl probably wearing a Nightwish shirt. Do you like any visual kei bands? (or lighter j-rock/j-pop bands?) At the moment, I'm madly into Kalafina--nothing like apocalyptic female chorale pieces! :D
  6. kureno


    Yes, I will be there! And yes, we definitely must talk jrock! XD Though to be honest, I haven't been keeping up these past few years--but I'd love to hear your recs! :D
  7. kureno

    what band are you most looking forward to at PPXI

    Delain. Being a huge Nightwish fan, I'm very excited about Tarot as well (and all the Marco-Delain duets being performed live, I hope!). Thrilled to be seeing Kamelot live in concert at last as well!
  8. kureno

    3 Songs Per Band You Really Want to Hear

    Delain: 1. Start Swimming 2. Invidia 3. The Gathering (and all the duets with Marco!! XD) Tarot: 1. Ashes to the Stars (so epic...!!) 2. I Walk Forever 3. Pilot of All Dreams Kamelot: 1. Center of the Universe 2. Forever 3. Wander (most beautiful ballad ever written... Probably...
  9. kureno


    Ditto--thank you for the clip, Jibrelle! I had no idea Sugizo played violin as well as guitar. "Endless Rain" sounds really earnestly sweet w/ violin~ Randomly, are you named after they "Jibrelle" from Angel Sanctuary? One of my favorite mangas of all time~ :D
  10. kureno

    Recent Anime Adventures (series)

    Cool--I really hope you'll like some of these. :) I went through a bit of an anime dry spell these last few years, feeling similarly like you that the dynamic creativity of past anime ages had staled a bit in recent years. But lately, I've found a bunch of titles that look interesting again, so...
  11. kureno

    DELAIN ProgPower USA

    I would SO be there. *__* And I missed Tarja in LA?? Drats! Although I like Anette a lot in NW, there's no denying that Tarja is a better live performer. I really liked her solo album too... ah well. Guess I'll have to catch her next time.
  12. kureno

    Recent Anime Adventures (series)

    There's a lot of junk out there, but there's junk and gems in any form of entertainment. No offense, but since we've been discussing a lot of 10 or 20-year-old series in this thread, I'm guessing a lot of folks here haven't seen too wide a range of stuff. I don't know what your exact cup of tea...
  13. kureno

    bad... bad... BAD anime?

    I agree. I'd be amazed if anyone could watch something like "Spirited Away" or even a comedy like "Tokyo Godfathers" and say that it wasn't as beautifully and tightly directed as anything that wins the top prizes at internationally renowned film festivals. Oh, excuse me, "Spirited Away" HAS won...
  14. kureno

    Recent Anime Adventures (series)

    I don't know if you know what happens during Hades-Sanctuary (or care if you're spoiled), but there is an EPIC AMV for it to Nightwish's "Ghost Love Score." Seriously, it's like that song was made for the epic bombasticness that is Saint Seiya. ^^ Check it out...
  15. kureno


    LOLOLOL-- no worries, I may think my Poldis and Schweinis are the best, but I can respect all the big teams in the league. (Though Bayern Munich did just beat Wolfsberg... mu ha ha ha...) Did you see the Champions League announcement this morning? Things are gonna get exciting...!