Recent content by Malignchicken

  1. Malignchicken

    Art Thread

  2. Malignchicken

    say something about ... yourself!

  3. Malignchicken

    Art Thread

    rofl :blush:
  4. Malignchicken

    Weirdest dream ever

    best one i've read so far lmao
  5. Malignchicken

    Art Thread

    i'm hoping you mean over sized boobs. Drawing one over sized tit while the other is minuscule would just be fucking hilarious like the third "nipple" on the gypsy in Mallrats.
  6. Malignchicken

    Art Thread

    rofl no over sized penises here, my hand won't let me draw shit like that. My hand won't even let me do over sized breasts, how sad T_T.
  7. Malignchicken

    Art Thread

    el stormo i know i'm not the best nor do i claim to be. In truth i consider my art to be merely doodles at most. I am not striving to be an artist and consider it a way to vent and nothing more. The links posted from my earlier post do not contain my paintings which i called impressionistic...
  8. Malignchicken

    Art Thread

    hahaha i've been a furry artist for 13 years. i think dropping it now because some furvert (actual term) fucktards would be like running away. I don't expect people to understand it, nor do i force people to like it. Anime artists are flamed by people who find it to be too cartoony or not...
  9. Malignchicken

    Art Thread

    i'm probably going to regret this later but my newer art can be found at this link: and my older art/ poetry can be found at XP I have no uploaded anything in awhile due to world of warcraft, will be soon just not sure when that is XD
  10. Malignchicken

    Weirdest dream ever

    After reading all the responses to this thread its good to know i'm not the only who is fucked up >_< Mental note: Will is a grumpy bitch
  11. Malignchicken

    Weirdest dream ever

    So I guess this will pop my forum cherry as my very first post, ahem. What is the weirdest dream you have ever had? Mine would have to be, me standing naked in a field amongst a herd of bison with the sky 'snowing' glittery skittles.