Weirdest dream ever


May i have your skull?
Nov 21, 2010
under your basement stairs
So I guess this will pop my forum cherry as my very first post, ahem.

What is the weirdest dream you have ever had?

Mine would have to be, me standing naked in a field amongst a herd of bison with the sky 'snowing' glittery skittles.
I had a dream where the Burger king invaded my house, so I tackled him down and stabbed him the chest and killed him. I know there's been weirder but that one is the only one that stuck in my head.
Killing zombies and after i finished up with them i ended in the club i work watching saxxon live and it was recent but before that ... when i was a kid my strangest was godzilla chasing me
In a dream one time, I walked down the decaying steps into the basement of a record store. It was dark and musty and filled with a grey dusty light. Inside was a murky fish tank.

The water glistened as a large floating eyeball with a little flagellum appeared, staring directly at me. I stared back in reverence and awe as it began to speak to me telepathically, informing me that it was the most hyperevolved entity in all the universe and I had nothing to fear. It then asked me to tell him how I was truly feeling. I tried to respond, but my response... disappointed it.

The water became cloudy and I woke up.

That dream has stuck with me for a long time, and I think about it often.
I had a nightmare in which I was a detective investigating some kind of creepy cultist family, something between hyper-Orthodox Jews and Heaven's Gate all piled into some mouldering mansion. I don't remember a lot of details, but when I finally entered the house for the last time, I found a room where all of their children had somehow been crushed into a gory paste and smeared over the walls.

It was pretty fucked up.
I have dreams like the ones described on a nightly basis. I truly hate sleeping.

Last night was this. People were shooting at me, it was in a post apocalyptic setting. My men and I came to a little town, and I knew what I had to do.

*spoilers for New Vegas*

You know how Mr.House was that nasty 300 year old barely alive corpse thing? He was there and I had to kill him. There were no more bullets, so I had to impale him. So I did. Then, when he was in a body bag, we noticed his health bar (in real life) was still there. The only thing around was a shovel, so I looked the other way as I drove it in.

This was after brutally murdering a female friend of mine for being a mole and feeding him info.
I had a dream that the majority of the people on this forum were cool, and I actually had a good reason to be here.

Maybe I should've stolen the Delorean at the convention this weekend and went back to the early 2000's.
Dreamt Jamie(Super Mahrio) was watching TV next to me on my couch at home. Weird for two reasons: (1)never met Jamie and (2)I don't watch TV.
dun dun duuuuun
Maybe the strangest dream I've had in recent memory. Taken from my Facebook:

"Had a weird dream the other night that I had some gangrene or something happening on my right shin. Luckily, Glenn Danzig was there to cut my leg off at the knee, cut the infected portion of the shin off, then reattach what was left. He did a great job, too! It looked like it had never happened...except my leg was shorter, of course. I was actually pleased with the shortness. I wanted him to go ahead and do the same to the other leg, so that I could wear regular length pants (cuz I have to wear long/tall)! But then he got perverted and wanted 'favors' in exchange for cutting off the other leg, so it didn't happen."