Recent content by MarkG

  1. MarkG

    Guitar Tone Competition 3: Files and rules

  2. MarkG

    Moving to Australia?

    Thanks guys, getting sponsored by a company is definitely the way to go. I wouldn't be comfortable ditching everything and moving without a guaranteed job. The 1.5 years it takes to immigrate is pretty long, but nothing compared to the 8 years it takes to go to Canada. I'm getting very...
  3. MarkG

    Moving to Australia?

    I'm in love with Australia, and I'm fairly confident I want to move there with my girlfriend. Is there anyone on here with experience regarding the subject? I recall a bunch of you are Australian! I'm a criminologist (read, policy analyst/advisor), and I recently discovered Australia has this...
  4. MarkG

    ok, just this one time! (help plx)

  5. MarkG

    Diablo III

    I just gave in and pre-ordered two copies of diablo III for coop purposes with my girlfriend. Also ordered the Book of Cain to introduce her to the world of sanctuary. Here's to hoping she'll actually get into it :)
  6. MarkG

    Digitech GSP1101 any good?

    Doesn't the GSP rape impulses? As in, lower their quality? Its the reason I decided to not get one.
  7. MarkG

    Diablo III

    God I want to play so badly. Instead I'm stuck working on a research paper all night. :erk: I do hope they learn all they need from this beta weekend so I can have lag and error free fun when the full game hits.
  8. MarkG

    Your random joy of the day

    I discovered Monster Khaos. Damn tasty!
  9. MarkG

    What are you for right now?

    Marshall JVM is a noisy beast.
  10. MarkG

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    For samples I'll refer you to Ola's and FearComplexMusic's YT clips. I won't be able to do better :lol: Besides this is my first Marshall, and the EQ is kicking my ass. Gain seems to also add bass, mids also seem to add gain, bass seems more like a low confused. ENGL has spoiled me
  11. MarkG

    Your latest G.A.S. purchases

    Picked it up today, (barely) used, no damage what so ever, with the MM OT and choke for 900 euros. Not a bad deal!
  12. MarkG

    Playstation 3 PSN's

    The only game I own is Dark Souls, but I welcome any Dark Souls players to add me for some jolly co-op and other such sillyness. Mark101vdg
  13. MarkG

    ITT we post funny pictures...

    Wow, you weren't kidding. I hate rap with a passion, but that was more like stand up comedy! I skipped round 2 and 3 for the kid, that was just painful to watch and hear.
  14. MarkG

    So my first custom guitar is ordered :)

    Wow, I don't think I would have made any compromises on a custom guitar based on time. If you're going to shell out the money for a custom, it should be exactly the way you want. I do like the specs though, can't wait to see/hear it
  15. MarkG

    helpless asian man attacked and jumped by 7 others behind school

    Thats how I feel, should have done everything he could to at least rip the balls off one of them. Unfortunately, the truth is they would have most likely killed him if he had. Biding his time for an escape was probably the best thing to do.