Recent content by Misko

  1. Misko

    Final redemption in the wake of unholy dismemberment/Last rites before somber funeral

    I can't decide, never could. It depends if it's winter or autumn time, what else I'm listening to, what last Opeth album I've listened to... Still Life has a special place, BWP got me heavily into Opeth, GR is great, Watershed is great, D/D are special, Morningrise is crazy... Like I said, I...
  2. Misko

    Just thought I would get this off my chest..

    Yeah, Dirge for November is perfect.
  3. Misko

    Just saying Hello!

    Hello and welcome! Opeth are a really good music, eh?:) "FastEddy" - you like Motorhead also?
  4. Misko

    Savoring A Band

  5. Misko

    Watch this

    Lopez destroyed that hi-hat!
  6. Misko

    I consider myself a pretty big opeth fan but,...

    Good that you noticed that, and welcome.:kickass: (+ just ignore the flamers, all forums have them...)
  7. Misko

    Learning guitar?

    I don't really agree with all this emphasis on theory (and this is from a guy who spent four years in music school). Sure it can assist you with harmonies and chords and all that, but it will likely lock you up in a box of thought and narrow your views to an established and conformist doctrine...
  8. Misko

    Learning guitar?

    There you go, a plethora of different opinions. Look, it's not rocket science, just go get an axe and start playing. And get yourself a band, you'll progress faster + it's way more fun :rock:
  9. Misko

    Learning guitar?

    I second the xDetonatorx' opinion about buying used and cheap, your objective for the time being is to learn the instrument, not to have a good sound. If you decide to continue, then think about bying a better guitar. Now, you need a guitar with an 'easy' neck, and which one has such a neck is...
  10. Misko

    Analyzing Opeth - the Song Structures

    A musician myself, I can quite understand your analysis, and I do think you made a good effort explaining their music. But if I ever learned anything in music school, it is that music cannot, no, should not be described. Try to explain sex to someone who has not experienced it. Or try explain...
  11. Misko

    8:21 into Ghost Reveries Sp.Edition DVD...

    That is a good solo though, the highlight of the song... And the heavy part right after that.
  12. Misko

    BWP Picture

    Good picture, very BWP mood.
  13. Misko

    Opeth is alive

    Ahahaha, I like this.
  14. Misko

    patterns in the ivy I and II

    Yeah, the I sounds like a home-made recording, and it suits the feeling very well (very similar to the intro of Dirge for November). The II one has this dry, late-Beatles-Lennon mood which I think contributes greatly to the song... Wilson's work here is first class!:notworthy