8:21 into Ghost Reveries Sp.Edition DVD...


Greekus Urungus
Mar 15, 2006
The Low Low, IL
This could be a question for Mike even...
8 minutes 21 seconds into the DVD there is a jam between Mike and Per that is not originally in the song. What sparked this? Anyway it sounds incredible :headbang:and Id love to hear more of that type of inprovised prog jams on the (soon to be released *fingers crossed* new disc)
Has anyone heard this? Or know what I'm talking about?
Dude, it's not a jam. It's a solo on Beneath the mire, check out 4:13 on Beneath the mire.

If that would've been a jam, I don't think they'd play the EXACT SAME MELODY at the EXACT same time. (plus, it's on the record)
Sorry for the bump, I'm just curious whether anyone knows what the music playing around 17:38ish is. I can't seem to place it at all. Is it extra music or something?