The Significance of Per


Here comes the apple, zed
Oct 13, 2005
Vancouver Island.
Now, in the interest of keeping this an intellegent conversation, I would like to give my apologies in advance in case this has already been discussed in recent weeks. If this is the case, please post the link to the previous thread.

I was watching the Lamentations DVD earlier on, and as usual was swept away by the magnificent, and often eerie music of my favorite band, Opeth. Within the first few minutes of Windowpane, I started to wonder... Per's playing has a very apparent impact on the music from Damnation. In your opinions, what do you think the album would have been like, with out the help of Steven Wilson and Per on the keys. Or now, with the release of Ghost Reveries, and the addition of Per to the band. How do you think the albums would have turned out.

In my personal opinion, Per plays a very significant role in the bands current sound. For example, a huge favorite from the new album, Baying of the Hounds. The intro for that song would have turned out very different had it not been for him. On the other hand, bands have often times, taken a turn for the worst in their music with the addition of a new member, as it effects the writing process.

So my question here is, imagine if you can what Opeth's new album, and D2 would be like without those major parts.
A certain layer of their songs would definately be gone. Like a dougnut without the glaze (I love analogies :) ). Though the keyboards are kind of subtle, they still greatly impact the music, but they're not in your face (like a lot of symphonic bands with keyboards, but that's a different style). I can't think of much else to say now, I may think of something else to put. :)
I think Per should learn Silhouette. And play it live. And yeah, I like it, he fits in perfectly, his character and his style.
LadyValerie said:
A certain layer of their songs would definately be gone. Like a dougnut without the glaze (I love analogies :) ). Though the keyboards are kind of subtle, they still greatly impact the music, but they're not in your face (like a lot of symphonic bands with keyboards, but that's a different style). I can't think of much else to say now, I may think of something else to put. :)

I think that is an excellent observation. If you I think specifically about the keys while you listen, they are very influencial. However, as you listen with a casual ear, or to all parts equally, the keys do not shroud other sounds at all.

I agree that the beginning of the Baying of the Hounds would be quite different without the keys, but that is not so obvious. Which is good.

I was a bit worried about the introduction of a new member when I first heard of it, but I am very pleased on how Opeth assimilated a fifth member.

Cheers Opeth, you guys never let me down!! :kickass:
yeh no doubt per is a must in the opeth camp, it adds to the complexity and beauty of a song; it adds atmosphere. But there is a point where they can be used too much, then the music will be too cliched and be muddled - the keyboard, vocals, guitar drowning each other out. At this point in time all of those are perfectly balanced and should stay that way - as im very sure that opeth won't fall into the trap of over using the keyboards.
vampyrouss said:
I think Per should learn Silhouette. And play it live. And yeah, I like it, he fits in perfectly, his character and his style.

Problem is the keyboard sound vs. an old piano sound I think.
They can get Roadrunner to pull their weight and bring a grand piano with them on their tours, just for that song... nah, but a decent Korg with weighted keys would pull it off just as well.
He should learn to play Prologue - that gives them even more reason to play April Ethereal because it goes into that song perfectly! He should also learn the outro for The Leper Affinity because i think it'd be the icing on the cake to hear that live! I'm not too bothered about Silhouette though - would be a good thing as a little break i guess but personally i don't think it's anything special.
opeth_353 said:
He should learn to play Prologue - that gives them even more reason to play April Ethereal because it goes into that song perfectly! He should also learn the outro for The Leper Affinity because i think it'd be the icing on the cake to hear that live! I'm not too bothered about Silhouette though - would be a good thing as a little break i guess but personally i don't think it's anything special.

Definately, and then end with Epilogue, if I saw that live I woule be one happy man. Perhaps that would be something to do for this rumoured new DVD. Great start and end to a gig make it a bit different from Lamentations so it apeals to everyone old fans and new. Just a thought but I for one would dig it.