Recent content by mrfluffy

  1. mrfluffy

    Pantommind Fans?

    What does anyone know about this band. I would love to see them play Prog Power. Or
  2. mrfluffy

    Final Roll Call,Tampa Metal weekend with Kamelot-Opeth(11 and 12th of Nov)

    Great show last night can't wait for tonights show.
  3. mrfluffy

    Jon Oliva's Pain

    JOP kicks off the US tour on Saturday May 21st Saturday, March 12 2005 Bourbon Street Nightclub on US 19 in New Port Richey will play host to the official kick-off of the US tour/ CD release party for the U.S. This is just the first show of a growing itineray for North America. The tour...
  4. mrfluffy

    Post Your Travelling Horror Stories Here!!!

    Wait how does this sound. I had my Yukon stolen from the Fairfield with Jon Oliva's Pain Band Promo pictures in it and other band things. I will never stay there again, It took the police over 3 hours to come and file out a report. This is where it gets good the police officer couldn't find the...
  5. mrfluffy

    ProgPower V - Which Bands Do You want to See Most?

    Yes the hot chick behind the bar. Plus the one that drove the van.
  6. mrfluffy

    Savatage bass player

    Kevin Rothney will be playing bass for both Tage Mahal and Savatage.
  7. mrfluffy

    this just in.. more PP4 pics

    sounds great. Make sure you see me at the show I'll be teching off of stage right.
  8. mrfluffy

    Circle II Circle Split Up

    Just a reminder that Zak was a hired gun when he started in Savatage. So before you sell off the band at least give them a chance. The band had alot of talented players. Which in time I whould hope they can prove it. I would say if they didn't have any talent then why would Jon Oliva want them...
  9. mrfluffy

    this just in.. more PP4 pics

    Great shots Creeps I hope you will be coming this Saturday to the Jon Oliva Project at the GreenParrot and taking some pictures there. Once again thanks for pictures.
  10. mrfluffy

    The Jon Oliva Project!

    Also soon for your enjoyment Jon Oliva will have a new web site up soon. With all the news and shows. Jon has got a great band to back him up and the solo stuff sounds great. Each show will have a different songs from past Savatage albums which Jon sang on plus a bunch of other surprizes.
  11. mrfluffy

    Circle II Circle Band Resigned.

    Yes the band Resigned from Zak check out there web site in the forum there you will find the statement from the band.
  12. mrfluffy

    Essential Pics to View

    Todd how can I get a hold of you I'm the bass tech for CirclellCircle and would love to know if you would like to post some pictures on or web site? The one with Kevin Pointing his bass is classic shot it would make a great poster.Please feel free to check out the web site at the following...
  13. mrfluffy

    Essential Pics to View

    Those are top class pictures I love the one of the drummer from Rage. Thank you Glen and thank you Todd.
  14. mrfluffy

    Anyone else come home sick?

    You got it a sore throat and still can't get on track.
  15. mrfluffy

    Thank you everyone

    Please try going to and P.M. the site Admin. that was Kathy who drove him up and is the best way to get a hold of him. I'm glad you got to meet him and liked the show, I haven't heard one word about Chicago and thats my home town.