Circle II Circle Split Up

AUGH, Thats terrible news. They put on a hell of a show at ProgPower, I was looking forward to the future of CIIC.

Well... What happens to Zac now? Joins back up with Sava for one heck of a KICK ASS WORLD TOUR!? I NEED to see Savatage live eventually. I can dream.
This is insane...the lineup was so solid. :yell:

Still, people are making wild accusations

First off, I think the next album will be better/more of the same for CIIC.


Because, the CD was not written by the CIIC band. The CD was written by Stevens and then Jon Oliva and Chris Caffery - both of Savatage fame. Even some of the songs on the CD weren't even played by Matt La Porte, with Caffery doing the leads.

To me, this was probably one of the reasons they broke up. CIIC wasn't a "band", they were Stevens project...and also a Savatage side project.

Caffery has posted on his site how he has already started writing songs for the next CIIC.

If I was in the band, I'd be pissed that after an amazing debut CD, and with a chemistry flowing, you'd (Stevens) still rely on Caffery/and most likely Oliva to help with the songs.

To me, that would feel like the CIIC members were being left out.

And I remember hearing that Stevens was doing the first album with help from Oliva/Caffery and then would be working a lot more with the band on writing.


It's hard to say from the outside, but that's how I've thought about the situation.

I think it's a shame, but I think CIIC will stay the same.

*Also, note I love Stevens, Oliva, and Caffery- It's just how I view the situation. :)*
Mephistopheles said:
AUGH, Thats terrible news. They put on a hell of a show at ProgPower, I was looking forward to the future of CIIC.

Well... What happens to Zac now? Joins back up with Sava for one heck of a KICK ASS WORLD TOUR!? I NEED to see Savatage live eventually. I can dream.
Once you see Savatage live with Damond Jiniya, you will understand why Zak won't be rejoining them unless Damond leaves. just trust me. I know you haven't heard of him prior to his joining the band and that Zak is a great singer and frontman, but just damn. just damn.

and yeah, I heard it was something related to management or business decisions for the band (CIIC) that caused their split. Apparently Zak is planning to replace everyone and go on with the upcoming tour.

I am now doubly glad that I got to see an amazing CIIC performance at PPIV now. I agree that the band won't change too much if the same people are writing the music, but I did like the musicians in that band. I'll be curious to see if they stay together as some other band or part separate ways.

It must have been a really bad situation for the entire band to stage a complete coup. Very odd.

Here's the latest:

CIRCLE II CIRCLE have issued the following press release:

“Due to the recent changes in the Circle II Circle camp we would like to assure everyone of our fans and business partners that Zak Stevens/Circle II Circle will be touring with SAXON and DORO in December for this years "best tour package" for 2003!

These shows will be extremely exciting to see and Zak/Circle II Circle have some great surprises for all the European fans! Circle II Circle will now take it to another level.

Also... Circle II Circle will start recording it's second record at Morrisound Studios in mid-January, 2004 for an early April release.

Jon Oliva and Chris Caffery will be co writing with Zak once again... and a very special guitarist will be debuted on this CD.

Zak is currently looking at a HUGE spring touring schedule for next year... including many great summer festivals, leading up to a fantastic fall schedule currently in the works.

Circle II Circle is stronger than ever and ready to bring great music and great performances to all the fans everywhere.

We wish everyone great success! And we'll see ya'll soon!”
Basically means that the corporation is "stronger than ever," due to the hidden meaning that "we can get some more hired-gun metalheads even cheaper than the last bozos we had and make more money for us..."

It's a shame...C2C is a great band, but it's really just a vehicle for Zak that's spearheaded by Caffrey and Oliva, and it's those 3 who will collect the majority of the paychecks.

Not that there's anything wrong with that...I'm a big fan of those guys, but that's the music business for you, and this whole thing just does not really surprise me.

Zak's a great singer, all of them are good writers, and I'll continue to support them, but does it really matter who's playing back-up? It should, and it would be nice if they could form a cohesive band-type situation...but...
Former members of Circle II Circle release statement

The following statement is the official position on the resignation of the (5) former members of Circle II Circle:

As we approached the upcoming tour with Saxon and Doro, there were many financial and logistical issues that needed to be discussed and finalized. We (5) attempted to have a business meeting with Zak Stevens and management. Our request was denied. After learning that the entire band was to be replaced after the tour was completed, it became apparent to all of us that management had decided that our concerns were of no concern to them. There were many issues which plagued the planning of the tour. The band was simply tired of the general lack of respect that we were receiving from “C2C Inc.”.

It was a very tough decision for all of us. We have given 1000% to the success of this band and could no longer accept managements business practices.

We would like to thank the fans for their incredible support. We always looked forward to meeting new faces at each show. That is one of the things that we will miss. But rest assured, we will see you all again very soon!

Kevin Rothney, Shane French, Matt Laporte, Christopher Kinder, and John Zahner
I think everyone would have been better off if CIIC had simply been planned as "Zak Stevens", as a solo artist. It sounds like the band members thought they were actually joining a band, where everyone is more or less equal, gets paid equally, can add their input into songs, etc.

There's a new (though previous to the break up) interview with Zak over at, which was worth reading.
Nightmare1z said:
This is insane...the lineup was so solid. :yell:

Caffery has posted on his site how he has already started writing songs for the next CIIC.

If I was in the band, I'd be pissed that after an amazing debut CD, and with a chemistry flowing, you'd (Stevens) still rely on Caffery/and most likely Oliva to help with the songs.

To me, that would feel like the CIIC members were being left out.

And I remember hearing that Stevens was doing the first album with help from Oliva/Caffery and then would be working a lot more with the band on writing.


I personally thought the lineup was weak. And I don't get your comment about the band being pissed after releasing an amazing debut cd. Why wouldn't Zak rely on Caffrey and Oliva if they were the masterminds behind the first album? What makes you think that C2C could have put out a top notch album w/o Oliva and Caffrey's help. The bottom line is that this wasn't a band. It was Sava's side project with a bunch of guys who played the stuff live. If they couldn't accept that role, then it's too bad. I'm sure they knew this going in. And what makes them so special? Anyone who plays an instrument could perform the material (it's not like it's Symphony X or something).

If you were happy with the album, why would you be confused or perplexed by the fact that Oliva and Caffrey would be doing most of the writing once again? They only wrote the whole first album
DarkOne said:
I am now doubly glad that I got to see an amazing CIIC performance at PPIV now. I agree that the band won't change too much if the same people are writing the music, but I did like the musicians in that band. I'll be curious to see if they stay together as some other band or part separate ways.

It must have been a really bad situation for the entire band to stage a complete coup. Very odd.


hey there Dark One,

just for your info in case you are interested :)

4 ex members of Circle II Circle, Chris, Kevin, Matt and John, are playing with Jon Oliva now. They have four show dates confirmed (locally in Florida).
I recently saw one of their rehearsals and also heard them together at the Criss Oliva Memorial in Tampa. This is gonna be great stuff, promised.

btw, are you the same Dark One from the Savaboards?
well I for one think you just sold the musicians in that band very short. Matt is one of the best guitar players in Florida, just because no one has heard their name mentioned 1,000 times doesn't mean that lineup was weak whatsoever. Every "great" musician starts someplace, even your Symphony X that you mentioned. Besides, a lot of the most talented musicians rarely show off on every song, let a lone a few.. take Prince for example. He's probably THE most talented pop/r&b/rock musician out there. the man can play any instrument, any style, and I have seen him do so in person.
whom do you mean by saying *you* ?

I'm not involved in this mess except for sitting between all chairs now having been friends with Zak for quite a while AND, during this past year, having made friends with the other 5 boys, whom I learned to love very much......

I did also never mention SyX ??

other than that I agree, a very talented and tight bunch of musicians and I'm very glad they will keep on playing together and getting exposure in playing for Jon.
oups.....sorry, I'm used to quote persons I'm referring to if I cannot reply directly underneath them, in order to avoid misunderstandings

Just a reminder that Zak was a hired gun when he started in Savatage. So before you sell off the band at least give them a chance. The band had alot of talented players. Which in time I whould hope they can prove it. I would say if they didn't have any talent then why would Jon Oliva want them to play on his Solo Project? Good luck Zak and Good luck to the reset of the band on your new Project.
I personally believe that the music industry is a bitch, and that bands break up and whatnot. Maybe the new line up will be better, but maybe it will be a bunch of egg sucking wankers who thrive once again off of the popularity of zak stevens. Who know? I just want something new and orginal. Give me something that I want to put in my cd player and listen to on my 6 hour drive to the next prog power!!!