PP USA VIII: Special Guest confirmed

I still say there are more rabbits in that hat of The Great Harveston.

ANd, for his next trick, The Great Harveston will take an ordinary undomiciled individual from his cardboard box in fromt of the Center Stage, place him into the Magic Box, waves his magic wand, the box splits in half. And.....out of each half comes.......Roy Khan and Matt Barlow!

Great job, Glenn!
Oh I was very serious. I love MeatLoaf. And that is still one of my favorite albums of all time. I know Glenn is a fan too... so maybe!
I will not be announcing a solo Zak Stevens show or CIIC performance for the Wed night show. I'm a bit more creative than that considering the timing of the news releases.

I've got 2 guesses.

1 tied to the word "stoked" and a certain bands prolific usage of said word :lol:

or 2 involving a certain band with some pretty strong ties to the progpower scene that just happens to have a fairly new singer.


no matter what it winds up being this is going to be one hell of a cool week :headbang::headbang:
I don't think I could ever get bored seeing Zak on stage. This is great news!

Stay metal. Never rust.