Recent content by mtl_metalgirl

  1. mtl_metalgirl

    Montreal Metal

    Yeah, I'd like like to know which venue it'll be at.
  2. mtl_metalgirl

    The WoY Beer Thread.

    Actually, I'm not. I'm a Quality Control Engineer. My friend is a hairdresser though, do you think that's where the head comes from? Let's hope :heh:
  3. mtl_metalgirl

    The WoY Beer Thread.

    First I drank Malta Creole (Haitian beer)... ...And then I had a severed head in my grocery bag
  4. mtl_metalgirl

    Montreal Metal

    Ahhhh okay... here's my input: Is Montreal (my hometown btw) the metal capital of North America? Unless I've attended shows in every other major North American city, I don't think I would be able to judge. What I can say about Mtl is that we certainly do draw huge crowds at shows...
  5. mtl_metalgirl

    Funeral Doom

    Slumber - Fallout Go buy this cd NOW! :goggly:
  6. mtl_metalgirl

    So.. I did something long overdue

    Eclipse was pretty good, but my all time favorite Amorphis still remains as Tales From the Thousand Lakes Other bands you might dig: Slumber Susperia Isis Red Sparowes Cult Of Luna
  7. mtl_metalgirl

    Tour diary, new tour video, video on MTV

    lol @ the ice bang
  8. mtl_metalgirl

    photos from connecticut show

    Wow, dude, these are going on my desktop! hehe the quality is IMPECCABLE!
  9. mtl_metalgirl

    Tour's over..

    Woohoo, I can't wait to hear the feedback. Regards!
  10. mtl_metalgirl

    San Antonio

    Awesome pics! :rock: Looks like you had a great time, woo hoo!
  11. mtl_metalgirl

    If one song summarized your life so far...

    I still don't understand their fascination with UFOs!!!
  12. mtl_metalgirl

    If one song summarized your life so far...

    Am I the only person who can't decide on a song?!?!?!?! I don't want to relate my lfe with anybody else's views, triumps, falls, etc. Come to think of it, I use music to separate myself from the reality of everyday. So in a way, I'm glad I can't find one... :goggly:
  13. mtl_metalgirl

    NOW PLAYING thread

    NP: Voivod/ Katorz must be a montreal thing.. hehe
  14. mtl_metalgirl

    post your pic.....

    that bald guy... he did merch for amoprhis on their last tour, i am very sure of this. he must work for the record label???
  15. mtl_metalgirl

    Favourite song on Virus?

    living to die currently at 11% woo hoo!