Recent content by Natural Born Chaos

  1. Natural Born Chaos

    Direct Connect

    whatever, I don't think Opeth really cares about one post asking such a benign question. I don't know of what search you speak, and I didn't know where else to look or ask. I found it on the public severs though, so this post can be deleted.
  2. Natural Born Chaos

    Direct Connect

    I really hope you're not mocking me. If you must know, I have all of Opeth's albums (on real CD's), I only want to use the client so I can check out stuff and decide whether I want to buy it or not.
  3. Natural Born Chaos

    Direct Connect

    What are the names for some metal hubs on DirectConnect? I used to have them but I got a new computer and I forget. Sorry this is off-topic, but it's the most frequently viewed forum...
  4. Natural Born Chaos

    Am I going completely mad or...

    Pretty much what he said--except I would add that heels up gives you far more power (because you use your whole leg). I can't imagine any metal drummer getting a fast, hard sound with heels down...
  5. Natural Born Chaos

    Opeth in the mainstream

    You have no idea how many fucking people said "Oh, I thought your shirt said Oprah" to me in high school.
  6. Natural Born Chaos

    Lopez Vs Portnoy

    What's so funny? Cameron is a fantastic drummer.
  7. Natural Born Chaos

    Lopez Vs Portnoy

    Peart really is a great drummer, and he's probably one of the best rock has to offer. But you really should see some of the cross-genre drummers like Weckl and Colaiuta...believe me, you'd change your mind about him being the best drummer ever.
  8. Natural Born Chaos

    Lopez Vs Portnoy

    It wasn't supposed to be an insult, but your response sounds like one. It's just more comfortable to play the ride closer--moving it, one of the few primary parts of the kit, in exchange for an accessory (a tom), seems stupid to me--I don't know why so many drummers do it. It's not like you...
  9. Natural Born Chaos

    Lopez Vs Portnoy

    Black_paragon: Oh, and a bit of advice: try taking out your third (?, that first one looks like it might be some sort of conga though, so I guess technically your second) rack tom and replacing it with your ride cymbal. I think you'd find it much more comfortable.
  10. Natural Born Chaos

    Lopez Vs Portnoy

    As someone else said, neither of these drummers can hold a candle to dozens of non-metal drummers--at least in the vein of over-all ability and versatility. However, these two can probably play their respective style better than most non-metal drummers, which I guess does make them better in...
  11. Natural Born Chaos

    Cleveland Roll Call

    The bass was a bit high--especially the bass drum on the first few songs. As for "the curtain falls" thing, I think the kid did mean to say "The Drapery Falls". It was kinda funny how Mike repeated it to the audience though to make him look even stupider. On a sidenote: When are people gonna...
  12. Natural Born Chaos

    Cleveland Roll Call

    I should be there, as long as it doesn't sell out...didnt' buy advance tickets because of the huge extra charges, but I've been hearing that it's been selling out in other cities...:erk:
  13. Natural Born Chaos

    New Dimmu Borgir is incredible....

    I can see how one could form this impression, but I suggest you listen to it a few more times and let it sink might change your mind. Also keep in mind that the mp3s aren't the final copy. The pre-listening already sounds a bit different, e.g. the keys sound higher in the mix on "For...
  14. Natural Born Chaos

    "Windowpane" video MPEGs here!

    Peter looks like he's on the toilet.