Direct Connect

What is Direct Connect? Is it something like napster?

I really don't want to pay for my Opeth albums, so can I use this Direct Connect to download the mp3s and burn them to a cd?
ggggggu said:
What is Direct Connect? Is it something like napster?

I really don't want to pay for my Opeth albums, so can I use this Direct Connect to download the mp3s and burn them to a cd?
I really hope you're not mocking me. If you must know, I have all of Opeth's albums (on real CD's), I only want to use the client so I can check out stuff and decide whether I want to buy it or not.
I am mocking you and all the other schmucks who have the nerve to come to bands official message board and pose the type of question like you just did. If you really want to know, use the search.
ggggggu said:
I am mocking you and all the other schmucks who have the nerve to come to bands official message board and pose the type of question like you just did. If you really want to know, use the search.
whatever, I don't think Opeth really cares about one post asking such a benign question. I don't know of what search you speak, and I didn't know where else to look or ask. I found it on the public severs though, so this post can be deleted.
Opeth are against having themselves traded as mp3s. Money grubbers? They need their fuckin money to be able to keep touring the way they do and make music. Otherwise, it can get difficult for a band like them to make it. Just buy their CDs because they are well worth it.
I bought Orchid for $18.99 CDN at BestBuy on Boxing Day. May not be the cheapest, but it sure beats paying $30 for it at HMV downtown (Toronto).
Now I have only MAYH to pick up and my set of Opeth albums will be complete. (still need to get Lamentations, but the DVD, not the CD)
Sorry that I check new stuff out to see if I like it. I'll just listen to it on the radio intstead. Oh wait, I can't. I wouldn't own 10% of the CDs I do without widespread MP3 sharing.

Try: /
(for paladin, you have to go to the URL first to register)

I also had a page bookmarked of nothing but metal hubs, for a rainy day, but it seems to be down forever.
Lastly, we talked about the Internet, websites and the downloading of music. He said the Opeth fans are using the Internet as proved by the huge increase of hits on their homepage. The band is involved with the websites look and content, however, they do not get to respond to questions on the message board very often. In a surprising revelation, Peter says he doesn’t mind if fans download their music, because he hopes they will download a couple of songs and then go buy the album. It’s also a good way for new fans to decide if they like the band before spending money on the CD. Besides, he said that downloading music hurts bands like Metallica more than a band like Opeth.
ggggggu said:
I am mocking you and all the other schmucks who have the nerve to come to bands official message board and pose the type of question like you just did. If you really want to know, use the search.
I don't know about you, but I like to find live shows on that stuff. Most traders only take copies of cds so it's a little hard to get copies of shows from other people. What do you think about the little record stores that charge $40-$50 for a live show in crappy quality??