Recent content by NeedledDude

  1. NeedledDude

    COB Interviews

    Children Of Bodom’s Alexi Laiho: “I’m Backstage Puking Blood With A Broken Shoulder And Broken Ribs Listening To The Crowd Chant ‘Bullshit!’”...
  2. NeedledDude

    New Alexi instructional dvd?

    Ah as i talked to guys from Rock House Method they say that new Alexi Laiho DVD will be realeased on august, so at the end of the summer.. I still wonder why it takes so long to put all things together for Alexi DVD.. I think it was a lot faster with Paget's DVD :Smug:
  3. NeedledDude

    COB Interviews

    Just found some russian interview with Alexi made on 2009, at that time he was still thinking he will take guitarist position for Hypocrysi tour.
  4. NeedledDude

    COB Interviews

    I was looking forward for this 1 :notworthy
  5. NeedledDude

    COB Interviews

    rapper.. omg.. never seen Axl before right? Thats embarrassing :Smug:
  6. NeedledDude

    COB Covers Competition

    They just announced it.. It would bekinda interesting to hear this song being covered by COB. A huge thanks to everyone that entered the competition! We’re pleased to announce that the winner is Ryan from Sydney, Australia, who suggested The Bangles’ “Eternal Flame&#8221...
  7. NeedledDude

    touring : 2nd guitar goes to...

    Omg.. "fanbois,true metal,yeayea alexi is fuckin asshole, yeh fuck cob blah blah" - all this is just big LOAD of shit. Srew all that "truevnuidhgdjf metal".. ...posers forum. CMAN! He will be just 2nd guitarist for fuck sakes calm down at last! How he would "steal gig" from peter? Maybe if he...
  8. NeedledDude

    COB Pics

    You are damn right! :D I was thinking who reminds me of Alexi but i just couldn't remember. Same eyeliner as kid from grudge have :lol:
  9. NeedledDude

    COB Pics

    ah fuck that.. I like pale skin. Alexi looks good being pale.
  10. NeedledDude

    What are you listening to?

    Mandragora - Mandragon
  11. NeedledDude

    COB Covers Competition

    Or just probably they will never anounce winner becouse of lack of money :D
  12. NeedledDude

    Shitstorm time

    I just cant understand why in myspace page you are wearing all that COB hoodies and have Alexis photo in fuc*in "Influences" album while talking shit about COB??? Omg you are soo fucked up dude :lol: Here my advice for you as i told for Brutal Ass - get a hell out from here. Why you spending...
  13. NeedledDude

    Expactations for Bodom in the next days/weeks/months/years...?

    So gtfo from here man :Smug: if you think cob suck major balss or anything like that why post those fuc*ed up posts here??? There is still lots of ppl who adores COB nowdays so why insulting band? i know ppl like you.. they are "true metallers" "elite fans" or just stupid "kids" who think its...
  14. NeedledDude

    What are you listening to?

    Opeth - Blackwater Park
  15. NeedledDude

    COB Interviews

    I cant imagine either but id like to see him in evening dress too.. or if Finland would vote him as.. a president.. Finland would become total Metalandia :lol: