COB Interviews

^^No problem. I think too this interview was pretty good. To be honest Im quite suprised that some finnish journalist went to New Jersey to make an article about CoB. Well, Im just glad they notice the band, this newspaper where the article was is the biggest in Finland.
If he's going on tour with them does that mean the sinergy rumors could be true?


I hope so, I'd like to maybe see them on tour again atleast, not so sure about a new album because Alexi's playing is so different now than what it was when they last put out an album =/
“I think we kind of fucked up the touring for Blooddrunk in a way because we did too many US tours before going to headline a proper European tour. And right before the European tour we supported Slipknot in Europe, which definitely wasn’t a good decision. The way the tours were booked and organized was not good at all so we kind of bummed about that. We’re going to go into the studio, do the new album and make things better the next time we go out.”

Totally agree with that, hopefully they will really tour different with their new album.
^Indeed really nice to see they've noticed it and are going to work in a different way next time. Also, we better not start hoping for the album too soon as it looks we won't have new album till start of 2011.

Warmen tour in between could be really nice and help wait though :D

@Brent: I didn't really get you, are you saying Sinergy is touring? Because either I missed a paragraph or Janne doesn't say that anywhere :ill:
So they admit it.

People make mistakes. For COB it was the US. Just like for Bush it was the Iraq as seen below
@Brent: I didn't really get you, are you saying Sinergy is touring? Because either I missed a paragraph or Janne doesn't say that anywhere :ill:

No, I'm saying since obviously Warmen might be going on tour if that means while Janne is off doing his thing maybe Alexi will do something with sinergy...

Just wishful thinking pretty much lol.