COB Interviews


Thanks Sleeper! Where do Metal Hammer actually announce who they're going to interview next to give fans the chance to pose the questions and all? Had I known I'd have sent some in..
"Sometimes shit happens when you get wasted,and when i get wasted i tend to do a lot of stupid things and wind up hurting myself.I've been trying to take things a bit easier.I can't do that shit anymore."

Great to hear it from alexi...
Sorry if was added before : INTERVIEW WITH JASKKA! First his video interview after chaos ridden years times i think. Good to see Jaskka talking.


Ok, here is couple of links, the other is a shorter article about Bodom which was in todays newspaper. Im actually scanning the same stuff from the paper but well, I guess it doesnt matter to you because its in finnish.But anyway, here is the interview+one video. Maybe I (or someone else) can translate this, I think it was pretty good :)

the article

You can find a videoclip there, its a clip from gig in New Jersey, includes also Alexi commenting about touring in the states.
Not an interview, but a few words from Alexi:

Children of Bodom break the mould

At first glance, Children of Bodom's Alexi Laiho and Aerosmith's Steven Tyler don't seem to have much in common.
But the Finnish death-metal guitar hero knows how the Boston blues-rocker is feeling these days. He's also broken his left shoulder -- not once, but twice.
"The first time happened in 2007 when I was bowling," the 30-year-old Laiho admits somewhat sheepishly down the line from a rest stop in L.A. "I'm pretty sure I hold the record as the only person who's done that. I don't even really know how it's possible, but I slipped and broke it."
The second injury this spring was only slightly less embarrassing -- he fell out of his bunk on their tour bus in Texas.
"I sleep in the top bunk, and I was passed out in there with my legs hanging out or something," he explains. "The bus took a really sharp turn and I just came down -- and came down hard. I also broke my rib."
Unlike Tyler, Laiho refused to cancel his tour and soldiered on -- a major mistake, he now admits.
"I kept going and did 10 shows with the broken bone, and it was pure hell. I didn't want to give up. I was just being f---ing stubborn. Everyone was telling me to go home and rest, and I just said, 'I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to finish this tour even if it kills me' -- which it almost did."
Laiho's stubborn refusal to toe the line -- which earned him the nickname Wildchild -- also informs the band's ninth album: The covers compilation Skeletons in the Closet. It finds the guitarist applying his blazing instrumental precision and demonic vocals to some songs you wouldn't expect a metal band to tackle: CCR's Looking Out My Back Door, Pat Benatar's Hell is for Children, Kenny Rogers' Just Dropped in (To See What Condition My Condition Was In) and even Britney Spears' Oops! I Did it Again. Most of those choices were meant to surprise and even anger metal purists, he admits.
"First, for us, it's way more interesting to do a Kenny Rogers cover than a Judas Priest cover. It's totally different. And we just like to do stupid s--- and see what happens. But along with amusing ourselves, it's also to provoke people who take this s--- too seriously. I love it when people freak out about us covering Britney, and say they'll never listen to us again."
Of course, there's no shortage of people who remain fans -- including guitarists like Metallica's Kirk Hammett and Dream Theater's John Petrucci, who have both referred to Laiho as "the best guitarist in the world." Guitar World magazine has also ranked him as one of the fastest pickers in the world. Not surprisingly, he also has the mouth to match.
"Maybe I sound like an a--hole, but my attitude has always been, 'Just give me a guitar and I'll kick your f---ing a--.' I know what I can do," says the former teenage phenom, who still practises several hours daily.
Now that his shoulder is completely healed, Laiho is taking Children of Bodom across Canada on a tour that began Sept. 22 in Quebec City and makes its way West to Vancouver on Oct. 5 (they play the Sound Academy tonight). And this time, he'll be sleeping on the bottom bunk.


And here´s another "real" interview:

Musicscan: What is the reason for a cover-album?

Children Of Bodom: We have had the idea of a cover-album for many years. In the past we have toured a lot and covered so many bands - all these songs tell something about us and we wanted everybody to hear and to know that. Even though it is a long time between two albums – The folks should know that we still exist!

Musicscan: What is the message of the album-titel?

Children Of Bodom: I think the point is, that these cover-songs are not that usual for a metal band. The Album tells something about us and our weird mentality. So you can say, that these album deals less with messages but more with the weird taste of Children of Bodom.

Musicscan: What is the reason for the 3 different album versions for US, EUROPE and ASIA?

Children Of Bodom: The mayor reason is the fact that there are different kinds of rights in every territory - that forces us to come out with three different releases.

Musicscan: What is your expectation for the US tour, with how many tickets do you calculate?

Children Of Bodom: The more the better! But it’s not about the number of people who will come to see us. It’s more about the feeling that comes up during the show. 1000 people average would be nice, if I had to pick a number!

Musicscan: Why Britney Spears?

Children Of Bodom: Why not? It’s kind of shocking to hear CHILDREN OF BODOM covering Britney and we like to shock people. It’s a lot of fun to do this kind of covers. Although CHILDREN OF BODOM is a straight Metal-band, it doesn´t have to be always that serious.

Musicscan: About the RAMONES Song: “Somebody put something in my drink”, did that ever happen to anyone of your band…If yes, tell me the story?

Children Of Bodom: In fact that happens to everyone of us on every tour. At the Megadeth tour I was drinking some good whiskey with Dave Mustaine and after a couple of shots (and stories he told me) I was totally done… When I finally came clear I couldn’t remember anything at all. The other time on our EU tour I felt down from my bunk a couple of times in the same night and I was talking nonsense. The next day I had a scar in my face and of course - I couldn’t remember anything. So I really thought that somebody put something in my drink

Musicscan: For sure there is a reason why you choose this songs for the album. Any stories behind that?

Children Of Bodom: Not really. We wanted to collect all the good ones and put them on the album. It was important for us that the songs represent our mentality.

Musicscan: Beside this album, which are your favorite coverversions of other bands?

Children Of Bodom: Killswitch Engage has done a very good version of “Holy Diver”. HIM did good work with the “Summer Wine”.

Musicscan: Is there any plan for a European tour soon?

Children Of Bodom: I would love to go on tour in europe but I have to say that there are no plans so far.

Musicscan: Which is your most favorite song on the album?

Children Of Bodom: I like the CCR version a lot and of course the Britney Spears cover.

Musicscan: Which song was the most difficult song to play?

Children Of Bodom: “Silent Scream” made me sweat my ass off.

Musicscan: Which song is an absolute “no-go” for you to cover?

Children Of Bodom: “Final Countdown” from Europe or “Bohemian Rhapsody” from Queen.

Musicscan: Two of the original songs are from the movie “The Big Lebowski”, is this a coincidence?

Children Of Bodom: No – we are fans and it’s a great movie!

Musicscan: Which of these bands have you ever seen live?

Children Of Bodom: At least 60 or 70 % of the artists. I had the honour to meet and to talk to a lot of them. That is without doubts the blessing of my job!


Another one with Jaska to be found here:
Ok, Ive now translated the interview I posted here before (the link with the video). It was very quick translation so there might be errors but I believe you'll still get the point there.

Bodom-mania is spreading in the States

- Children of Bodom brings extreme metal to the US charts by touring also in the middle of nowhere

- Fans think Alexi Laiho is the best guitar player ever

Sayreville, New Jersey.
“Silent Night” starts guitarist – shouter Alexi Laiho, 30. “BODOM NIGHT” answers maybe couple of thousand of fans in Starland Ballroom, New Jersey.
There are no silent moments. Band from Espoo, Children of Bodom plays their extreme metal faster and stricter than anyone else. The gig is in the middle of nowhere, faraway from the centres of New York or New Jersey in the village of Sayreville. Touring exactly in this kind of villages band has become a million seller and got to the US top-40 chart.

The front row is growling the lyrics. Fists fling in the air, fingers form to devils horns. They are jumping sweaty and evading the fans the fans flying above the audience who the proctors usually get down safely in front of the stage.
“FUCK! FUCK FUCK FUCK! BODOM UUURGGH!” metal head is shouting in the front row.
By the mixing console are the “rock police” in other words the fans listening to the music more analytical.
Hand of many of them moves on the neck of imaginary guitar almost as fast as Alexi Laihos, who was chosen in Guitar World-magazines reader poll years’ best metal guitarist of the world. The band is being listened also the players of the new Guitar Hero 5 game – there are one Bodom-song in the game.

“He is the best guitarist of all times”, explains Sam Fisher, 13.
“Im trying to learn his solos but they are damn difficult. he is incredibly fast.”
Jay Johnson, 22, is also learning Laihos guitar technics.
“Arpeggios are inexplicable fast and his plectrum technique unbelievably smooth.”
There are also people in their 50’s, some of them without their children.
“Bodom rules”, states 51- year old Todd Marshall and 49- year old Ariane Lenshoek. “We have always been metal fans.”

Some of the fans are wearing a blue cross flag. David Oliveira and Ernie Barbosa have also HIM-bands heartagram-figure in their wrist. There is plenty of Finland-knowledge.
“Alexis old band Impaled Nazarene really broke finnish extreme metal in the Us”, Dan Phillips claims.

Third of the gigs fans are women. Three of them have self-made Roope ‘N’ Roll – t-shirt which are to honour Bodoms comping guitarist Roope Latvala.
“A bad joke but we dig Roope”, tells Becky Ondra who flew to the gig from Pittsburgh.
39-year old metal veteran Roope Latvala is remembered from 80’s Stone and also for example for bands like Waltari and Sinergy where very young Alexi Laiho was playing.
Ondra and her friends bought a VIP-ticket which cost 40 dollars extra, which empowers to meet the band already in the afternoon. Fans got pictures with the band and autographs to anywhere, from skin to shirts, cd’s and posters. Cubing guitarists brought their Alexi Laiho- guitars to get their hero’s signature.
“VIP-ticket was worth it. They are so nice! Roope liked our shirt.”
And now Latvala is playing wearing the Roope ‘N’ Roll- shirt given by the fans.
As the gig goes ahead it turns out that Starland Ballrooms pa isn’t really first class. Even though the band has got its own mixing table, the wooden building resonates so that occasionally the double bass is covering everything else. Bodoms speciality, in other words 1980s sparkle tuning synthesizer brings higher frequencies to the low rumble. The guitars roll heavily in the middle section. Laihos guitarsolos could be lifted in the mixing. Extreme metals Paganini is worth of hearing.

Laihos middle speeches are compatible with the genre. “Motherfuckin New Jersey! Are you fucking ready to hear some fucking old School Bodom!”

Not one of songs are heard from the new cover album Skeletons in the Closet.
“There is enough to handle in our own material”, Laiho explains later.
So we are not going to hear for example the most argued cover which is Britney Spears Oops, I Did It Again. Releasing it made the fans to burn bands albums and shirts on pyre, at least according to the talk in the internet.
“First it was quite surprising, but Im glad they did it”, 14-15 year old Jake, Nathan, Sam and Tom admit.
“They are so original. They got the most of energy and the keyboards bring its own sound.”

Almost all of the fans are there with their own cars. I see only one drunken during the whole Saturday evening. Gig without age limit lets to the bar area those who are over 21. Only few wants to go there. You must get as close as possible to your heroes.

After incomplete one and a half hours gig Laiho wishes everyone a fucking good night. Many drives straight to home but part of the fans stays to hang around in the parking lot next to the tourbus.
“If they would come out to say hello. If I could get a drumstick or plectrum. Any memory from this gig would do”, one of the younger fans Chris Curtis says shyly.

There is a strict schedule in metal entrepreneurs’ day.

Black eyes, bruises and broken bones. Children of Bodom is thought to be a party hard- band but there is also other side in the story. On tours, musicians follow the schedule they are given every morning.
“There you can see when we are moving, eating, giving interviews and other stuff”, explains bands earliest up riser, basist Henkka Seppälä as he reads José Saramagos book Seeing in the afternoon sun.

The band sleeps during the trips in the bus.
“It doesn’t make a difference where it’s a hundred or a thousand kilometres. Then I’ll eat something, check the news from the internet, take a laptop and a book to the city and return to the venue.”
Meeting the fans and giving interviews are places at both sides of 6pm. Children of Bodom starts as a headliner at 10pm after warm up bands like The Black Dahlia Murder.

The members of the band are also entrepreneurs.
“We pay monthly wage to ourselves – its better than the finnish average wage – and also allowances and dividends.”
The basist urges the new bands to take control of the “rags”.
“Band has to have licence for the shirts where its name is used, otherwise you’ll lose a lot of money.”

After meeting the fans comping guitarist Roope Latvala starts to concentrate to the gig.
“Im happy with the situation. Alexi gets all the attention and has to do all the stuff.”
How does he compare himself and Laiho as guitarists?
“Alexi has got some jazz training and he does more tricks with the guitar. I have a classical background and I learned to play electric guitar from a blues-guy.”
In the backstage he concentrates with playing riffs and chords in a low volume at the same time when Laiho is warming up his fingers with some fast playing and drinks coke and beer.
“Arpeggio oil”, Latvala sneers when Laihos fingers move even faster. Before the gig the band makes sure that there is some magnesium.
“Sometimes your body dries in the hot venue so that your hands almost start to cramp”, Latvala explains.

After the gig metal entrepreneurs are bathing in sweat. Latvala walks straight away to the shower still wearing his clothes.
“Its damn hot. Its sick.”
“Great atmosphere, the audience was very good”, Laiho notes calmly.
“Sometimes the venue is some old barn in Kansas, sometimes a new 2500- people venue in New York. This was very good place.”

The talk turns to just released cover song – collection Skeletons in the Closet. Its called as “A hat full of shit” by the B-side collection of Eppu Normaali.
“It is practical to the real fans. Some of the songs were difficult to find when they are only released for example as a bonustrack of some Korea-release” says Laiho.
Collection meant “only for real fans” might end up to the US chart next week. Last year Blooddrunk reached to 22nd which required a couple of ten of thousand week sale.
“Now we are concentrating fully to touring. And then we focus on doing the next album.”
There are friends gathering in the backstage. A bottle of whiskey is opened.
“Now its time for drinking and being social”, explains Latvala.

The bus is standing in the venue for 7am because its only over 200 kilometers to the next venue to the north side of New York. The tour will continue soon to Toronto and Chicago.
Every morning Seppälä wakes up already in the forenoon, Laiho closer to 5pm. When they wake up they are given their daily schedule.