COB Interviews

Cool is that one of these new YleX-thingies mentioned on Thanks a lot for translating!! I was just thinking about asking someone if it´s interesting enough to do us a favour and translate it :)

Wow that´s some kind of hard stuff.
Speaking of which why not send an email of the news at the guys of Metal from F:rock:inland, it helps to update some Bodom news at the site and Tero will definitely update em.
Cool is that one of these new YleX-thingies mentioned on Thanks a lot for translating!! I was just thinking about asking someone if it´s interesting enough to do us a favour and translate it :)

I have to check the other one tomorrow, it's quite long and that stupid player doesn't seek too well :D. Seems to be something about cover album & Alexi's song choices.

@ valkokukka: probably the most insightful comments from Alexi I've read so far - thanks for helping me out ;)
No problem :)
Hadnt noticed the new links. And the column about "Children of Children of Bodom" was great :D Listening the other interview right now...
Alexi talks about his soul in Finnish radio station.

Landscape of the Soul - Alexi Laiho

Black is first color that comes in to my mind when thinking of my soul. It’s a dark place, not many can see sometimes not even me. At least half of the time its better not to see because it’s much easier to be when not seeing what happens in my head or somewhere near my soul.

Seasons are changing faster in my soul than in real life. It can be any of those four seasons, sometimes even two at the same time. At the moments it’s end of spring, when you are waiting and anxious of something. It can mean that I’m waiting to get back on the road after break or it can mean that I can’t wait to get away from this interview [laughs].

What I see in my soul? Just brick wall, garbage cans and wrecked cars…of course lot of details that you easily ignore and notice only after stopping for a while to see what is happening in there. Good things but also lot of frightening things which are better not seen. Some where between bricks is window blasting raw punk and in the other corner some drunkard is puking. You need to get away and fast.

My rather hopeless soul is directly connected to the music I do. Music is my get away for and that’s why – well not only because of that – but its big part why I love music so much. It’s not only making but also listening to music that helps.

Spark to making music has always been there. As a kid when I began to realize anything about music I wanted to write music but felt like I don’t know how. But quite soon I was able to do at least some kind of music. It felt really great. At that point it wasn’t get away from anything, I didn’t have need for that. The more you live and the more you learn - things you don’t want to know - you need to get away for a while. For me it’s music.

What an interesting peek inside Alexi's head. This interview will be famous in the future. It looks like Alexi hasn't got away with his mental issues after all, just found a way to put them out of sight.
Thanks for the links, reaperscythe & sleeper!

Edit: Having read that Alexi isn´t sure if they should do the Hell Is For Children cover live or how audience would react, I wondered if we should start a poll which cover track fans would like them to do live, but I bet a thread like that already exists (? gonna search for it tomorrow I think)
Thanks for the links! I know it's not set in stone or anything but a mention of a UK tour is enough to set me off excited already. Hopefully Ireland is going to be included in that too if it happens :D :D Which it better.

And I agree about a poll,it might influence them now that they're considering playing covers.