COB Interviews

New German interview with Jaska to be downloaded here:

Thanks a lot!

Hope it wasnt posted before but this is kinda awesome interview :D


Just found on Blabbermouth:
CHILDREN OF BODOM Frontman On EMG TV; Video Available

Thanks hannah!
So here we go. This one is from Inferno, I translated it and I hope you all understand it. I think it doesn't have much new info for HC-fans, but something perhaps. There are few mistakes in article, which I didn't correct (number of unreleased covers, covers played live).

Children of Bodom has managed to record lot of cover songs, which are now released in "Skeletons in the Closet"-album in september.

Album making can sometimes turn in to stressful and pretty serious job. Sometimes it's good to have this kinda project in recordings, in which one doesn't have to take it so seriously.

Over the years Children of Bodom's covers has been released here and there, as singles b-sides, bonus tracks and in other random connections. Now all covers are going to be put in one album. Basist Henkka Blacksmith tells, that idea of doing this isn't new. Henkka: "Our most enthusiastic fans has asked about, when we are going to do a coveralbum. Now we thought, that we have a little longer break between studio albums, so it is a good moment."

Album is a collection album, so the tracks aren't re-recorded. Even thought the band recorded two new songs for the album, and album has one unreleased song too.

Henkka: "We recorded Anthrax/Trust Antisocial and Pat Benatar Hell Is For The Children. And that Suicidal Tendencies cover hasn't been released anywhere before".

According to Henkka especially CCR - Lookin' Out My Back Door cover was good. From the original covers Henkka can't name his favourite, but Slayer and Sepultura ones comes to mind first. Because those are the reasons why interest towards playing once started.

All the bands start with playing covers. Well at least those who start playing when their age starts still with number one. So did Children of Bodom too, though long before their name was Children of Bodom. Henkka remembers that they once played in Espoo, Mankkaa in place called Las Vegas and they played songs like Impaled Nazarene - Vitutuksen Multihuipennus and Amorphis - The Castaway. When playing as under the name of CoB, they haven't played their covers live nearly at all. Henkka: "It could be that I remember wrong, but the only song we played live was Ramones - Somebody Put Something In My Drink and that was one time only".

For sure more covers will be heard from these guys, but not live. Henkka: "It would seem pretty odd, because we haven't played those songs in ages.".

After the publishing this album, CoB is touring couple of months in South - and North America and Asia too, and for rest of the year they are keeping vacation. Except Alexi Laiho, who goes in to "darkness" with his four-track recorder. Henkka: "Then in the spring we'll see what he has got for us".


Except Alexi Laiho, who goes in to "darkness" with his four-track recorder. Henkka: "Then in the spring we'll see what he has got for us".

He'd better do a good job and be in the right state of mind wherever he goes to write the songs. Anything below 'legendary' is unacceptable from COB. I'm obviously anxious about what will be coming out, but not holding my breath after hearing they'll stay 'heavy' (because to me that indicates they're compromising music with heaviness and I'm old enough to not get fazed by that...)
^I will never understand how beeing older makes you immune to heaviness which, BTW, isn't bad at all. But whatever, is your call.

About the interview, thanks a lot sleeper! Did you all get what's about with the answers? After benefiting of so many interviews in here, if someone wants the questions too just tell me and I'll translate them and make my small contribution here :D